UMT Admin rights

Rights Description

Create UMT User

Create a Oracle InForm User Management Tool user.

Modify UMT User

Edit Oracle InForm User Management Tool user details.

View UMT User

View Oracle InForm User Management Tool user details.

Manage UMT User

Edit Oracle InForm User Management Tool user country details and user association with trials.

Create UMT Role

Create a Oracle InForm User Management Tool role.

Modify UMT Role

Sponsor Role Users: Modify sponsor role user details.

PF Role Users: Update default role settings of PF role.

View UMT Role

View Oracle InForm User Management Tool user role details.

Manage UMT Role

Edit the association between a user and a role.

Manage HSLearn Training

Configure and edit Oracle Health Learn settings.

Manage SSO

Authorize a user to an Oracle InForm study.

Send the authorization email to an Oracle InForm SSO user.

Assign SSO Role

Give access to the SSO Roles tab in Oracle InForm User Management Tool, which shows all sponsor type global users for a tenant and lets you assign particular CDA rights for Oracle Life Sciences IAMS to any of these users.

Assign the Assign SSO Role right to give users access to all sponsor type global users for the a tenant.