Update the spreadsheet

When creating a master template to be used across multiple trials with varying Oracle InForm versions and other trial specifics, you can repeat the getting started process, filling in new Welcome values each time. You can repeat this process as many times as needed (version-specific data is not overridden, simply hidden from view).

  1. If it is not already open, open the empty template you downloaded from Oracle InForm User Management Tool using Microsoft Excel.

    The blank template presents you with a Welcome tab. The information provided on the Welcome tab is used to make relevant tabs available in the spreadsheet.


    To add data and update the template, you must have macros enabled.
  2. Enter the trial specifics on the Welcome tab.

    If you are working with multiple versions of InForm or trials that vary with respect to use of SSO or IRT, populating your data is an iterative process.

    The information provided on the Welcome tab is used to make relevant tabs available in the spreadsheet. Complete the Welcome tab using specifics that most closely match a trial you will use this master template for in the future. You can repeat these steps in the future using different Welcome values.

    The Welcome tab requires the following information:

    • Sponsor NameOracle InForm User Management Tool sponsor name.
    • Trial NameOracle InForm User Management Tool trial name.
    • InForm Version—The Oracle InForm version used with this trial.

      Depending on how your Excel options are configured, you may see an Excel error icon (ExcelIcon_small) in the Oracle InForm Version field on the Welcome page. You can ignore the icon and associated message, or you can update your Excel options to remove it. For more information, see Updating your Excel Options.

    • SSO?—Indicates whether or not single sign on is enabled for this trial.
    • Use IRT?—Indicates whether or not your trial is part of an Oracle IRT study.


    You must enter a Sponsor Name and a Trial Name but these values are not used in the spreadsheet or during upload. They are for labeling purposes only. The Oracle InForm version must match the Oracle InForm version in Oracle InForm User Management Tool when uploading for a trial.
  3. Click Get Started.

    The getting started macro runs. When the macro completes, tabs relevant to your trial specifics, such as a version-specific tab for InForm rights and roles, appear.

  4. After the getting started process completes, populate the template with data, beginning with the user roles worksheet.

    For more information, see Entering user roles.


    Be sure to start with the user roles worksheet. Other worksheets are dependent on this data.

    You can populate as much or as little data as you like when creating this master template. Master templates are commonly used to populate roles and rights that are common across all studies. However, you may wish to include other common data such as sponsor users that have access to all studies. For more information, see Entering data in the MUL Template.

  5. Save the master template for future use or upload the data for a new trial using the Oracle InForm User Management Tool user interface.


    The file must be saved with the .xls extension.

After you have created your master template, you can use the Oracle InForm User Management Tool user interface to upload the template for any study by clicking the Upload button and selecting the master template file for upload and selecting what type of data you want to upload. You can then customize the trial data manually using the Oracle InForm User Management Tool user interface or by downloading and using a trial-specific template as described in Using the MUL Template to add or change data.