Updating site data

To update site data using the Sites worksheet:

  1. Update the site data.

    Keep in mind the requirements listed in Entering site data, any formatting information provided in the spreadsheet, and any optional information that might be required due to your trial configuration.

    If you want to change a site mnemonic using the MUL Template or .DAT file, see Changing a site mnemonic.

  2. Set the status for each site.

    Choose one of the following selections from the drop-down list in the Status column:

    • New—Creates a new site entry in Oracle InForm User Management Tool.
    • No Change—Identifies a site already created and uploaded in Oracle InForm User Management Tool.
      • If you leave the status as New instead of changing it to No Change after the site has been created in Oracle InForm User Management Tool, the import will fail for the site.
      • After a site is successfully uploaded as New, if you want to leave the site in the template for the next load, you must change the status to No Change unless you are changing, deleting (marking as not participating), or re-instating (marking as participating) the site.
    • Change—Change the data for an existing site in Oracle InForm User Management Tool.
    • Delete—Mark a site as Not Participating in Oracle InForm User Management Tool.
    • Re-instate—Return the site to Participating status in Oracle InForm User Management Tool. Sponsor users that have auto-association set to be assigned to the site get assigned.
  3. Click Validate.

    If an error is encountered during validation, the required field will be highlighted. Review the error message provided in the Error Message column for more information (you may need to scroll right to see the column).