User/Sponsor/Site details rights

Rights Description

Create Sponsor

Create a sponsor.

Modify Sponsor Details

Edit sponsor details.

View Sponsor Details

View sponsor details.

Create Trial

Create a trial.

Modify Trial Details

Edit trial details.

Create InForm User

Create Oracle InForm user.

Modify InForm User

Edit Oracle InForm user details.

View InForm User

View Oracle InForm user details.

Manage InForm User

Associate a group and a role.

Create Site

Create a site.

Modify Site

Edit site details.

View Site Details

View site details.

Manage Site Details

Create and modify user and site association.

Load to InForm

Load user and site details to Oracle InForm.

Copy Between Trials

Copy trial.

Manage Mass Associations

Enable mass association.

Lock Trial

Rights to lock trials.

View/Edit Pivotal Fields

Rights to view or edit Pivotal details.

Create/Edit UAT details

Rights to create or edit UAT details.

View Terminated User Details

Rights to view the terminated user details.

View IRT User Details

Rights to view the Oracle IRT user details.

View IRT Site Details Rights to view the Oracle IRT site details.
View IRT Right and Roles Rights to view the Oracle IRT right and roles.

Manage IRT User Details

Rights to edit the Oracle IRT user details.

Manage IRT Site Details

Rights to edit the Oracle IRT site details.

Manage IRT Right and Roles

Rights to edit the Oracle IRT right and roles.

Load to IRT

Load user and site details to Oracle IRT.


Gives access to the Send to InForm button on the Trials page

Use this button to bulk load Admin data to a UAT trial or a pre Go-Live production trial. For more information, see GeneratingOracle InForm XML.