Viewing the list of InForm or IRT users

To view the list of users:
  1. Select Users from the menu bar.
  2. Select the sponsor company and trial from the Current Sponsor Company and Trial drop-down lists.

    Note the following information:

    Authorization Status filter and column—Identifies users who are not yet authorized. This filter and column only appear for SSO studies and if the logged in user has the Manage SSO UMT Admin right.

    • Failure—Includes fault and failure status.
    • Success
    • Not Authorized—If selected, any user that has no Authorization status appears in the list.
    • Process Started
    • Request Sent

    Email Sent filter—Identifies whether users have had their authorization emails sent. This filter appears for SSO and non-SSO/native studies, but only after the study is set to Fast Forward and if the InForm Go Live option is enabled.

    • Yes
    • No
To search for users:
  1. Enter the filter criteria, and click Find.
    • The most common filter options appear at the top right of each page. If you do not see the search criteria you want, click More Filters and more criteria will appear.
    • If you want to save your filter to use whenever you are on this page, click Save in the lower right corner of the filter criteria box.
    • You can sort the data by clicking on the column header.
  2. To clear the filter criteria, click Clear.