Worklist — Site report

Site reports show all worklists generated at the site level for a study within a particular period.

Field Description
Trial Name Name of the study.
Site number Number of the site associated with the study.
Site number Name of the site associated with the study. For example, "Metropolis General".
Address1 First address line for the associated site. For example, "344 Clinton Street".
Address2 Second address line for the associated site. For example, "Suite 100".
City Name of the city where the associated site is located.
State Name or initials of the state where the associated site is located.
Country Name of the country where the associated site is located.
Postal code Postal code for where the associated site is located.
E-mail address E-mail address associated with the site.
Phone Phone number associated with the site.
Study Version Version of the study entered in for the report. Otherwise, "latest" is shown.
Modified By User name of the user who last made any updates to the site details.
Modified Date Time stamp for when site details were last updated. For example, "02/11/2022 14:11".
Status Current status. Options are:
  • New
  • Change
  • Delete
  • Reinstate