22.3.3 Release Notes

NetSuite for Government 22.3.3 Release Notes

Revision Date: November 14, 2022


This document summarizes the changes to NetSuite for Government between 22.3.3 and the previous release. These release notes are subject to change.

The 22.3.3 enhancements and changes listed in this document are not available to customers until they are upgraded to NetSuite for Government 22.3.3. Your access to these features and SuiteApps is subject to the terms of service in your NetSuite for Government contract.

Please also review the NetSuite general relase notes for a comprehensive view of changes to the release. During this release period, NetSuite version 2022.2 was released. The general NetSuite release notes are accessible at this link: https://docs-uat.us.oracle.com/en/cloud/saas/netsuite/ns-online-help/book_N3865324.html

NetSuite for Government Version 22.3.3 - Release Date November 14, 2022

  • Usability - Fund: Remove default fund and department
  • Functionality improvements to Core Finance, Security and Roles and Fund Accounting.
  • Various Fixes and Performance Improvements