Steps – Log into WinSCP

The Upload steps uses the private key generated in the earlier section.

  1. Launch WinSCP and connect to <SFTP Server> using port 22.

  2. Enter the username and click Advanced.

  3. Click Authentication.

  4. In the Private Key File field, click the Browse button and select the private key created in the earlier section.

    Figure 1-3 Advanced Site Settings Dialog

    Description of Figure 1-3 follows
    Description of "Figure 1-3 Advanced Site Settings Dialog"
  5. After loading the private key file, click OK.

    Figure 1-4 Private Key File Loaded

    Description of Figure 1-4 follows
    Description of "Figure 1-4 Private Key File Loaded"
  6. Click Login. The window does not prompt for a password and logs into the SFTP server. Provide a passphrase if one has been set up.