Right to Access / Right to Forget

RI provides a web service interface (file RetailAppsDataPrivServices-7.0.1-RetailAppsDataPrivServices.ear) for right to access and right to forget. The service provides a REST call to return end-user information based on a provided key and provides a REST call to forget the end-user based on a provided key. The feature is also available on the command line by using the jar file RetailAppsDataPrivServices-7.0.1-RetailAppsDataPrivTool.jar.

RI provides three groups (type_id) for right to access and right to forget.

  • CustomerRecord

    By providing the customer number as a key, the end user can access or forget the PII data for the customer, customer address, and history sales information related to this customer.

  • Employee

    By providing the employee number as a key, the end user can access or forget the PII data for the employee.

  • Supplier

    By providing the primary contact name as a key, the end user can access or forget the supplier contact name and supplier contact phone number information.