Adjustment Data Requirements

Adjustments data (ADJUSTMENT.csv) is used to capture manual changes to stock on hand made for any reason that does not fall into one of the other categories like sales or receipts. Adjustments are used only in Planning and RI applications.

Rule Explanation

Adjustment Types

The adjustments are provided using a type code, with 3 specific codes supported:

  • 22 – These adjustments are your standard changes to inventory for wastage, spoilage, losses, and so on. In Planning they are categorized as Shrink adjustments.

  • 23 – These adjustments are for specific changes that impact the Cost of Goods Sold but are not an unplanned shrink event, such as charitable donations. In Planning they are categorized as Non-Shrink adjustments.

  • 41 – These adjustments are targeted to reporting needs specifically and are the result of a stock count activity where the inventory levels were already adjusted in the store’s inventory as part of the count, but you want the adjustment captured anyway to report against it

Only types 22 and 23 go to Planning applications. Type 41 is used within RI for reporting.

Reason Codes

Reason codes are used to identify the specific type of adjustment that occurred for that item, location, and date. If you are loading data for Planning apps, then they are not required because Planning apps do not look at reason codes. They are only used for RI reporting. There are no required codes; it will depend on the data in your source system. The codes should be numerical, and there is a Description field that must also be provided for the display name.

Positive and Negative Values

Adjustments should be positive by default. A positive adjustment on the input file means a decrease in the stock on hand at the location. A negative adjustment means an increase to stock on hand (basically you have adjusted the units back into the location’s inventory, which is less common). When the data is sent to MFP, the default planning import will invert the signs for the positive adjustments to become subtractions to inventory.

In most cases, you will be providing the same set of adjustment columns for any application. These columns are listed below with additional usage notes.

Column Header Usage


Must be the transaction level item or SKU number and must have a record in the PRODUCT.csv file.


Must be the location number where the item inventory was adjusted. Must have a record in ORGANIZATION.csv file.


The date that the adjustment occurred on. Adjustments can occur on any date both in history and nightly batch files.


Indicates the type of adjustment to inventory using transaction codes 22 (shrink adjustment), 23 (non-shrink adjustment), or 41 (stock count adjustment). The codes determine the associated Planning measures the data is placed into. Code 41 is only used in Retail Insights reporting.




The units and total cost/retail values for the adjustment. The cost and retail amounts may have varying calculations in your source system depending on how shrink and non-shrink inventory adjustments are determined. Adjustments can be negative or positive depending on whether inventory is being removed or added to the stock on hand. The sign is reversed by MFP, meaning negative amounts on the input will display as positive values on the MFP measures.



The currency codes linked to the cost and retail amounts on the adjustment data. The values in these fields will control how the system converts the amount (such as INVADJ_COST_AMT_LCL) and how the EXCH_RATE.csv file data will be used. If you are providing the data in the source currency from the store or warehouse location, then DOC_CURR_CODE will be the currency of the source location. If the data is already all on one currency, then DOC_CURR_CODE will be that currency code. LOC_CURR_CODE is the primary reporting currency you wish RAP applications to operate in, so it will generally be a single hard-coded value on all your data files. Review the section on Exchange Rate dimension data for additional scenarios.