Adjustments in POM

While the bulk of your batch setup should be done in Retail Home, it may be necessary to fine-tune your schedule in POM after the initial configuration is complete. You may need to disable specific jobs in the nightly schedules (usually at Oracle’s recommendation) or reconfigure the ad hoc processes to use different programs. The general steps to perform this activity are:

  1. From Retail Home, click the link to navigate to POM or go to the POM URL directly if known. Log in as a batch administrator user.

  2. Navigate to the Batch Administration screen.

  3. Select the desired application tile, and then select the schedule type from the nightly, recurring, or standalone options.

  4. Search for specific job names, and then use the Enabled option to turn the program on or off.

  5. From the Batch Monitoring screen, click Restart Schedule to apply the changes.


If you sync with MDF again in the future, it may re-enable jobs that you turned off inside a module that is turned on in Retail Home. For that reason, the module configuration is typically used only during implementation, then POM is used once you are live in production.