Automated History Loads

Once you have performed your history loads manually a couple of times (following all steps in later sections) and validated the data is correct, you may wish to automate the remaining file loads. A standalone process flow RI_FLOW_ADHOC is available in POM that can run the fact history loads multiple times using your specified start times. Follow the steps below to enable this process:

  1. Upload multiple ZIP files using FTS, each containing one set of files for the same historical period. Name the files like,, and so on, incrementing the index on the end of the zip file name after the first one.

  2. In the POM batch administration screen, ensure all of the jobs in the RI_FLOW_ADHOC are enabled, matching your initial fact history standalone runs. The following processes in the process flow are common to all runs and all jobs should be enabled in them:






  3. Schedule the standalone flows from Scheduler Administration to occur at various intervals throughout the day. Space out the cycles based on how long it took to process your first file.

  4. Monitor the load progress from the Batch Monitoring screen to see the results from each run. Monitor the table C_HIST_FILES_LOAD_STATUS to verify the ZIP files you uploaded were all processed successfully. Validate that data is being loaded successfully in your database periodically throughout the standalone runs. If a run fails for any reason, it will not allow more runs to proceed until the issue is resolved.