RPASCE Deployment

The customer-managed PL/SQL functions and procedures are uploaded to the IW schema. For more information on uploading the custom packages, refer to the section Uploading Custom PL/SQL Packages.

During evaluation of the execplsql special expression, RPASCE switches to the IW schema user, to limit the scope of writable data access, and then executes the function or procedure. However, during application deploy and patch, RPASCE code grants the necessary privileges to the IW schema user. These grants ensure that the IW schema user can read all the fact tables and metadata tables in the PDS through synonyms, and write access is only provided to fact tables for the measures marked as customer-managed in the application configuration.

If the configuration is modified such that additional measures are now marked as customer managed, or if existing customer-managed measures are made non-customer-managed, then the application patch operation will update the privileges accordingly.