The authentication scope is a code associated with the specific environment you are planning to interact with. It has a static prefix based on the application, appended with an environment-specific code and index.

Base format: rgbu:rsp:psraf-<ENV><ENVINDEX>

Where <ENV> is replaced with one of the codes in (PRD, STG) and <ENVINDEX> is set to 1, unless you have multiple staging environments, and then the index can be 2 or greater. For these applications (that is, RI and AIF) use the rsp code. For other applications, the code is rpas.

To determine this information, look at the URL for your environment, such as:


In the tenant string, you can see the code stg1. This can be added to your scope string (ensuring it is in uppercase characters only).

IDCS_SCOPE = rgbu:rsp:psraf-STG1