RAP Integration Interface Extensibility

interface.cfg is a PDS configuration file that defines the bidirectional exchange of hierarchy and fact data between AIF and PDS, through RDX. For detailed information about the interface configuration file, please refer to the Oracle Retail Predictive Application Server Cloud Edition Implementation Guide.

The extensibility of interface.cfg is supported provided that the below guidelines are followed.


The permissible and restricted interface customization is published in the file publishedMeasures.properties located in the [config]/plugins directory.
Type Rule Comments/Sample Entries


A new hierarchy interface can be defined provided the table already exists in RDX.



A new fact interface can be defined provided the table already exists in RDX.

Note that the interface parameter (second field) must be different than the GA interface.


Custom views cannot be defined. GA interfaces that are views can be customized.



The dimension mapping for a GA hierarchy interface can be modified, provided it is allowed in the published property file.



Custom dimensions can be added to a GA interface and mapped to existing RDX fields.

For example, if adding custom dimension 'area' to the LOC hierarchy, customize the W_PDS_ORGANIZATION_D interface:


Note that custom dimensions should have IDs >= 50


Custom (New) hierarchy can be added, provided table exists in RDX..

Note that custom dimensions should have IDs >= 50



Existing GA facts can be imported from a different source field (controlled by an extensibility property file).

GA entry:


Custom entry: 

RSE_FCST_DEMAND_DTL_CAL_EXP:L_CF_:DATA:rdf_sysbaseline_CF_:FLEX_FIELD1: :custom_mod



Custom facts can import from existing fields from a source table in RDX.




GA facts can be exported to another external field alongside the GA entry.




The external field can be populated by a different fact.

Delete the GA entry and add the custom entry.


Facts (default value)

The default value can be customized for only facts allowed in property file.




Filters for an interface can be customized, provided it is allowed and not restricted in the property file.

Note that the GA filter entry needs to be marked as deleted and then a custom entry added.


means the above interfaces can have the filters customized.



Although an interface is allowed for filters to be customized, some filters can be marked as restricted and cannot be customized.


In this case, the RUN_ID and BASELINE_FCST_QTY filters cannot be customized. Other filters in this interface can be customized.


  1. Any customization in the interface.cfg file should be marked with a custom_??? keyword in the 7th field.

  2. Note the keywords used to extend the GA interface.cfg:

    1. custom_mod: to indicate an existing GA entry is being modified

    2. custom_del: to indicate an existing GA entry is being removed

    3. custom_add: to indicate a custom entry is being added.

  3. If we are deleting and adding an entry, make sure they are consecutive entries.

Validations for a custom interface.cfg file:

  • Custom entries cannot have more than seven (7) fields.

  • Filter entries can only have custom_add or custom_del keywords.

  • Entries cannot be deleted from the Hierarchy interface. Therefore, custom_del entries are not valid for the Hierarchy interface.

  • Dimensions specified in the Hierarchy interface must be  valid dimensions in the configuration.

  • Custom dimensions added to the Hierarchy interface should have a dimension ID greater than or equal to 50.

  • For Fact/Data interfaces, the dimensions/IDs cannot be modified.

  • Only Hierarchy dimensions published in the property file can be modified.

  • Only Interface and Facts published in the property file can be modified.

  • Only Interface Filters published and not restricted in the property file can be edited.

Follow this process to update the interface.cfg file:

  1. Download the Application interface configuration from OAT

  2. Update the interface.cfg using the previously listed guidelines.

  3. Upload the updated interface.cfg to object store and then patch or build the application.