Receipts Data Requirements

Receipts data (RECEIPT.csv) is used specifically for receipt transactions where inventory units are received into an owned location (like a store or warehouse), and that receipt impacts the stock on hand for the location. The file is used for several purposes throughout RAP: it is needed by MFP for inventory plans, by IPO and LPO for determining first and last receiving dates by item/location, and by RI for reporting on receipt activity. The receipts data must be loaded in parallel with inventory position if AIF modules are being implemented, because the calculations for IPO/LPO are done up front during each load of inventory position and receipt files.

Rule Explanation

Receipt Types

The receipts are provided using a type code, with 3 specific codes supported:

  • 20 – This code is for purchase order receipts, which are usually shipments from a supplier into a warehouse (but can be into stores).

  • 44~A – These are allocation transfer receipts resulting from allocations issued to move warehouse inventory down to stores. The receipt occurs for the store location on the day it receives the shipment.

  • 44~T – These are generic non-allocation transfer receipts between any two locations.

MFP GA solution only uses type 20 transactions but the rest of the RAP solutions use all types.

Receipts vs. Transfers

Transfer receipts are not the same thing as transfers (TRANSFER.csv) and both datasets provide useful information. Transfer receipts are specific to the receiving location only and occur at the time the units arrive. Transfers are linked to both the shipping and receiving locations, and they should be sent at the time the transfer is initiated. The MFP GA solution receives transfers from the TRANSFER.csv file only, but the other solutions will want both RECEIPT.csv and TRANSFER.csv files to have the transfer-related data.

Unplanned Receipts

It is possible for a location to receive inventory it did not ask for (for example, there is no associated PO or allocation linked to those units). Such receipts should still appear as a type 44~T receipt transaction, so long as those units of inventory do get pulled into the location’s stock on hand.

In most cases, you will be providing the same set of receipt columns for any application. These columns are listed below with additional usage notes.

Column Header Usage


Must be the transaction level item or SKU number and must have a record in the PRODUCT.csv file.


Must be the location number where the item is received. Must have a record in ORGANIZATION.csv file.


The date that the receipt occurred on. Receipts can occur on any date both in history and nightly batch files.


Indicates the type of receipt into a location using merchandising transaction codes 20 (purchase order receipt), 44~A (allocation transfer receipt), or 44~T (non-allocation transfer receipt). Only PO receipts are used in MFP, as they represent actual inventory entering the company, and not just movement between two owned locations.




The units being received and the total cost/retail value of those units relative to the receiving location.



The currency codes linked to the cost and retail amounts on the receipt data. The values in these fields will control how the system converts the amount (such as INVRC_COST_AMT_LCL) and how the EXCH_RATE.csv file data will be used. If you are providing the data in the source currency from the store or warehouse location, then DOC_CURR_CODE will be the currency of the source location. If the data is already all on one currency, then DOC_CURR_CODE will be that currency code. LOC_CURR_CODE is the primary reporting currency you wish RAP applications to operate in, so it will generally be a single hard-coded value on all your data files. Review the section on Exchange Rate dimension data for additional scenarios.