Sending Data to AI Foundation

All AI Foundation modules leverage a common batch infrastructure to initialize the core dataset, followed by ad hoc, application-specific programs to generate additional data as needed. Before loading any data into an AI Foundation module, it is necessary to complete initial dimension loads into the data warehouse using AIF DATA jobs and validate that core structures (calendar, products, locations) match what you expect to see. Once you are comfortable with the data that has been loaded in, leverage the following jobs to move data into one or more AI Foundation applications.

Table 3-6 Extracts for AI Foundation

POM Process Name Usage Details


Receive inbound zip files intended for AI Foundation, archive and extract the files. This process looks for the file.


Foundation data movement from the data warehouse to AI Foundation applications, including core hierarchies and dimensional data. Accepts many different parameters to run specific steps in the load process.


Each AI Foundation module, such as SPO or IPO, has a master job for extracting and loading data that is required for that application, in addition to the RSE_MASTER processes. AI Foundation module jobs may look for a combination of data from RI and input files in

Because AI Foundation Cloud Services ad hoc procedures have been exposed using only one job in POM, they are not triggered like AIF DATA procedures. AI Foundation programs accept a number of single-character codes representing different steps in the data loading process. These codes can be provided directly in POM by editing the Parameters of the job in the Batch Monitoring screen, then executing the job through the user interface.

AI Foundation Standalone Batch Jobs Actions Menu

For example, this string of parameters will move all dimension data from the data warehouse to AI Foundation:

Parameters for Moving Dimension Data from RI to AI Foundation

Additional parameters are available when moving periods of historical data, such as inventory and sales:

Parameters for Moving Periods of Historical Data

A typical workflow for moving core foundation data into AI Foundation is:

  1. Load the core foundation files (like Calendar, Product, and Organization) using the AIF DATA schedule jobs.

  2. Use the RSE_MASTER_ADHOC_PROCESS to move those same datasets to AI Foundation Apps, providing specific flag values to only run the needed steps. The standard set of first-time flags are -pldg, which loads the core hierarchies required by all the applications.

  3. Load some ofyour history files for Sales using the AIF DATA jobs to validate the inputs. For example, load 1-3 months of sales for all products or a year of sales for only one department.

  4. Load the same range of sales to AI Foundation using the sales steps in the master process with optional from/to date parameters. The flags to use for this are -xwa, which loads the transaction table RSE_SLS_TXN as well as all sales aggregates which are shared across AIF.

  5. Repeat the previous two steps until all sales data is loaded into both RI and AI Foundation.

    Performing the process iteratively provides you early opportunities to find issues in the data before you’ve loaded everything, but it is not required. You can load all the data into AI Foundation at one time.

Follow the same general flow for the other application-specific, ad hoc flows into the AI Foundation modules. For a complete list of parameters in each program, refer to the AI Foundation Operations Guide.

When loading hierarchies, it is possible to have data issues on the first run due to missing or incomplete records from the customer. You may get an error like the following:

Error occurred in RSE_DDL_UTIL.create_local_index_stmt - Error while creating index: CREATE UNIQUEINDEX TMP$STG$RSE_LOC_SRC_XREF_2 ON TMP$STG$RSE_LOC_SRC_XREF ( HIER_TYPE_ID,LOC_EXT_ID,LEAF_NODE_FLG,APP_SOURCE_ID) ORA-01452: cannot CREATE UNIQUE INDEX; duplicate keys found

The INDEX create statement tells you the name of the table and the columns that were attempting to be indexed. Querying that table is what is required to see what is duplicated or invalid in the source data. Because these tables are created dynamically when the job is run, you will need to first grant access to it using a procedure like below in IW:

begin RSE_SUPPORT_UTIL.grant_temp_table(p_prefix => 'STG$RSE_LOC_SRC_XREF'); end;

The value passed into the procedure should be everything after the TMP$ in the table name (not the index name). The procedure also supports two other optional parameters to be used instead of or in addition to the prefix:

  • p_suffix – Provide the ending suffix of a temporary table, usually a number like 00001101, to grant access to all tables with that suffix
  • p_purge_flg - Purge flag (Y/N) which indicates to drop temporary tables for a given run

Once this is executed for a given prefix, a query like this can retrieve the data causing the failure:


For location hierarchy data the source of the issue will most commonly come from the W_INT_ORG_DH table. For product hierarchy, it could be W_PROD_CAT_DH. These are the hierarchy tables populated in the data warehouse by your foundation data loads.