RPASCE Concepts

This section describes RPASCE concepts.

  • RPASCE: A platform that provides a foundation to run solutions used for retail planning. RPASCE provides those solutions with a common interface based on wizards, templates, workbooks, and batch processes.

  • RPASCE Solution: An application running on top of RPASCE that provides solutions for retail activities such financial planning or forecasting demand.

  • Planning Data Schema: The Planning Data Schema (PDS) is a schema created within the Oracle Database containing the tables that contain application metadata, a customer's planning data, and the procedures used to access and manipulate that data. The majority of user interactions with customer information are performed in workspaces; however, data load and other offline batch activities operate directly on the PDS.

  • Workspaces: Users perform application tasks inside workspaces. A workspace is a sandbox built by pulling data from the PDS; it supports the operations a user requires to perform a given task within the application. Once a task is complete, the changes made within the workspace sandbox can be applied to update the information contained within the PDS.