Use of ORDS in Conjunction with the Planning Data Schema

Customers can make use of Oracle ReSTful Data Services (ORDS) to invoke web services that supply the data stored in the Planning Data Schema. Several standard web service endpoints are provided, and it is possible to create additional endpoints to supplement those provided.

The access provided to ORDS by the Planning Data Schema allows only for reading data; there is no capability for modification of the data contained within the Planning Data Schema. The endpoints provided are intended for use by external systems that connect to ORDS through the use of system accounts.

In order to connect to the Planning Data Schema through ORDS, the account representing the external process must exist within the OCI IAM instance associated with the application. Additionally, that account must belong to the group RPAS_ORDS_GROUP. All unauthenticated access requests and any requests made by a user who is not a member of the RPAS_ORDS_GROUP will be denied.