7 Frequently Asked Questions

Cloud Account Activation

Because the Analytics Platform cloud services are installed using the OCI IAM domain details, it is important to ensure any activation concerns are resolved during the pre-provisioning/provisioning period, as making changes after your Insights, Science, and Planning cloud services are provisioned may require extended downtime.

What should I do if I cannot activate my service into an existing Oracle Cloud Account?

Inform your CSM or sales representative if you run into issues, providing the following information:

  • Existing Oracle Cloud Account name

  • Subscription ID of a service in the account

  • Administrator e-mail for the account

What do I do if I experience errors or failures while attempting to activate my Cloud Account?

The administrator e-mail address must match the e-mail which received the activation notification. If this does match and you are still running into issues, inform your CSM or sales representative, providing the following information:

  • Intended activation approach (new Oracle Cloud Account or activate within an existing)

  • Any error or failure messages received - include screen shots if possible

Can I use another identity management solution?

Only OCI IAM is supported in Retail Analytics Platform Cloud Service implementations, however OCI IAM could also be integrated with external identity management providers, like Active Directory, using its APIs.

I have multiple pre-prod environments and want to have different security configurations for the same users/roles in each, can I do that?

Retail Analytics Platform cloud services only provide one set of OCI IAM roles for pre-prod environments and they are shared across them.

Why do I see other users in my OCI IAM instance (for example, batchuser)?

The Oracle Cloud Operations team will also seed a set of integration users required by the solutions as part of the provisioning process. These are users used for integration or internally for batch and other processing and should not be deleted.

Cloud Services Access

Why don't I see any links in the task list when I access my cloud service?

Validate that you have the correct group/role assigned to your user in OCI IAM. You should have the administrator job assigned for each solution. In the production environment, these are:

  • Retail Insights: RIApplicationAdministrators_JOB

  • Science Platform Configuration: ADMINISTRATOR_JOB


  • Assortment and Space Optimization: SPACE_ADMINISTRATOR_JOB

  • Inventory Optimization: INVENTORY_ANALYST_JOB

  • Offer Optimization: TARGETED_OFFER_JOB

  • Promotion and Markdown Optimization: PRICING_ADMINISTRATOR_JOB


If you are accessing a pre-production environment, then the job roles will have a _PREPROD extension.

If you are associated to the correct group/role above and are still having issues with seeing links in the task list or logging into the application, please log an SR for further assistance.

Why can't I create or access reports in Retail Insights?

Make sure that the logged-in user has been configured with the necessary BI roles in OCI IAM. Retail Insights has the following tiers of user permissions which control access to Oracle Analytics core functionality:

  • BIConsumer_JOB - Allows for opening Oracle Analytics content created by others

  • BIAuthors_JOB - Allows for creating new content in Oracle Analytics

  • RIApplicationAdministrators_JOB - Allows for managing content permissions and scheduling agents and BI Publisher reports

Additionally, Retail Insights requires one or more roles to define the access level within the metadata (a.k.a. Subject Areas). RetailAnalysts_JOB is a super-user role with complete Subject Area access.

Why can't I log into the Innovation Workbench tool?

Innovation Workbench is built on top of Oracle APEX and requires various configurations be performed as part of provisioning the environment. If you are able to access the APEX Login screen but do not see any workspaces available, then a configuration step was not completed and a Service Request should be logged.

Why do I not see any task links in Process Orchestration and Monitoring (POM)?

Make sure that you have the Batch Administrator Job group/role assigned to you in OCI IAM, which should provide you with the privileges to see all the links. For details on the all the roles, duties, and privileges used by POM, see the Oracle Retail Process Orchestration and Monitoring Security Guide. If you are assigned to this group/role and still are not able to see any tasks in POM, then log an SR for further assistance.

Why do I not have access to create reports in BI Publisher?

Confirm access to the required BI Publisher groups by clicking on the username in the upper right corner, then select My Account. In the My Account popup click the My Groups tab. You should see the following groups listed:

  • BI Consumer

  • BI Content Author

  • RIApplicationAdministrator

These groups are assigned as part of selecting a Retail Insights BI group in OCI IAM (such as BIAuthors_JOB). If you are still having issues, please log an SR for further assistance.


I want other users in my company to receive notifications about upgrades, planned downtime, and maintenance periods. How do I add other users?

As the Service Administrator, initially you will be the only person receiving Oracle notifications about upgrades, monthly updates, planned downtime, and maintenance periods. Identify the key personnel in your organization who should also receive critical notifications about your Cloud Service. These could include backup administrators, project managers, implementation partners, and other project team members.

Oracle recommends setting up a distribution list at your company and registering your distribution list for the notifications. If you need to make changes that require Oracle's involvement, you can raise a Service Request (SR) on My Oracle Support. Refer to DOC ID: 2364511.1 for details on how to log the SR and what information to provide.

I have multiple retail cloud services included in my subscription. How do I confirm the correct application name to use in the URLs for tools common to all of my services, such as Retail Home or Process Orchestration and Monitoring?

You can raise a MOS Service Request or reach out to your CSM to learn the correct URL.