1 Introduction

Oracle Retail Brand Compliance Management Cloud Service is an application designed to meet all aspects of sourcing, developing, and protecting retailer brands. The application provides solutions for product development, compliance, quality, and traceability. It is designed specifically for retail, food service, and manufacturing businesses to develop and protect their brands, manage their suppliers, and ensure full end-to-end product lifecycle management.

Oracle Retail Brand Compliance Management Cloud Service is composed of the following modules:

  • Library enables the issue, receipt, and acceptance of policies, guidelines, and key working documents.

  • Product supports the development of products and production specifications.

  • Project supports the development of project briefs, plans, and workflow management.

  • Supplier enables the identification, selection, and approval of suppliers.

  • Reports - reporting tool for reporting across the system, using standard templates and custom reports.

For more information on any of these modules, see the module User Guide. For information on Library, see Library.


Technologist is the default name for that Retailer role across the entire application. Each portal may configure an alternative to suit their business if required.

IDCS Integration for Authentication

From release 18.2, the authentication of user and external system identity for access to Oracle Retail Brand Compliance Management Cloud Service is managed by Oracle's Identity Cloud Service (IDCS) identity management service. This strategic initiative is a move towards most Oracle Retail Cloud Service applications using IDCS for authentication, thus paving the way for single sign-on across the product range. In the meantime, Brand Compliance will implement IDCS as a standalone means of identity authentication.


When IDCS integration is implemented, it becomes the sole means of authentication for users and external systems. In the event of the IDCS tenant not being available to perform authentication, access to Brand Compliance will not be permitted.

The key features of the IDCS authentication for Brand Compliance are as follows:

  • All users and external systems log in to Brand Compliance using an individual IDCS profile.

  • Each Brand Compliance portal instance has dedicated IDCS tenants, for its production and staging/UAT environments.

  • New users are created in Brand Compliance, which automatically triggers creation of an IDCS profile.

  • User roles map to groups in IDCS to control users' level of access.

  • All maintenance of passwords and email addresses is carried out by the user in IDCS.

  • The user maintains all other account details in Brand Compliance.

  • An hourly batch job automatically synchronizes changes between Brand Compliance and IDCS.

  • External systems accounts, used to access the Brand Compliance APIs, are treated the same as users.


User documentation for IDCS can be found at the Oracle Identity Cloud Service Help Center:



From release 18.2, all Brand Compliance password management is handled by IDCS. The system administrator configures the rules for password format strength and expiry within IDCS. For example, you may need to enter a password that is at least five characters and includes at least one numeric character. Also, you may be prevented from reusing a previous password. For information on your password requirements, consult your system administrator.

Passwords can be set to expire within a specific number of days after being set. During login, if you are warned that your password is about to expire, you can choose to change your password at that time. If you do not change your password before it expires, you may be locked out from logging into the application. You may also be locked out after a specific number of invalid login attempts. If you are locked out, a system administrator must reset your password.

Language Support

Oracle Retail Brand Compliance Management Cloud Service supports multiple languages. The Login page is displayed in the language derived from the user's browser settings. Once logged in, the pages are displayed in the language selected for the user. For information on selecting the language, see Editing your Profile. The system supports the UTF-8 character set.


Users operating with their locale (language) set to Argentina (es_AR), Brazil (pt_BR), or Chile (es_CL) will see numbers formatted with a comma as the decimal point separator; all other locales use a period as the separator. All locales use a comma as the thousands separator.