3 Noteworthy Resolved Issues

This following table highlights specific key fixes that are included in this release. In some cases, only a percentage of the overall fixed defects are listed.

Affected Component Defect Number Description



Archived News records opening a blank new window

When the Users Preference setting Open all documents in new browser windows is enabled, Archived News records opened by using the Archived News link on the Home Page, do not display any information in the new window. Archived News records opened in this way should ignore the setting, and open as a new tab on the Application TAB bar.

An update now ensures that when opening Archived News records from the Archived News Link, they open as a new tab on the Application TAB bar (thereby ignoring the Open all documents in new browser windows setting).

When Archived News records are opened in this way, it is not possible to edit the record. Opening an Archived News record by using the Manage News link on the home page, will allow the records to be edited.


30896143, 32013020, 32051861

Language translation issues

A fix has been made to rectify an issue with the translation of text in various pages, for languages that use the extended character set, such as Japanese.

The issue occurred in the Landing page, Logout page, Product Specification validation window, and Error pages. Translations for non-Latin languages now show correctly within these pages.

General: Admin: Reports: Scheduling


Error generated when a user with Locale es_CR enters a time value

When a user, with the Spanish (Central American) language configured against their user record, attempted to set a time field against a record, an error was generated.

A fix to manage the short time format used by this locale has been implemented to prevent future errors occurring.

General: Admin: System Control


Change History page added to system control to capture changes

Change History pages have been introduced to System Control under Admin, to allow for the capture of any changes. The change history will not reflect any changes made in previous versions before change history was added.



User has visibility of record links without the relevant permissions

The Linked Records page against Projects gave visibility of record links for which a user did not have access.

The project Record Links page has been amended to ensure a link to a record is not visible when the current user does not have access to the record. For example, a link to a product specification at Supplier Draft status should not be visible to a Retailer user unless the user has the required authority. Similarly, a link to a product specification at Retailer Draft status should not be visible to a Supplier user.

Product: Specifications


On specifications the Total Batch Quantity is rounded to 2 decimal places

In specifications, there was a change to the formatting of the Total Batch Quantity field under the Recipe tab of the Recipe and Raw Materials section. The formatting was reduced to 2 decimal places.

The formatting for the field has now been reverted to allow up to 8 decimal places (N4.N8 with trailing zeros removed).

Product: Specifications

32046778, 32062296

Order of columns in Nutrition declaration panel

A fix has been made to rectify an issue with the order of the columns in the Nutrition declaration panel, as generated within the product specification’s Nutrition section.

The columns in the declaration panel are now ordered based on the sequence configuration of the associated Nutrition Panel glossary, instead of incorrectly using the sequence of the Columns to be Declared selection in the Nutrition section.

When copying a specification, or creating a new version, the order of the columns to be declared will now also be updated to reflect the order in the current active version of the Nutrition Panel configuration.

Note that updating the Nutrition section directly, rather than creating a new version, may result in a difference in the column sequence, however the declaration panel will always contain the columns that have been selected to be declared. If a Nutrition Panel configuration is needed to be changed, then it is advised that this done by creating a new version of the Nutrition Panel and then making the new version active.

Supplier: Audit and Visits


Unable to progress an Audit due to text size limit

A fix is made to rectify an issue with the progression of Audits, due to the size limit of certain text fields. Validation was preventing the status of an Audit being progressed if the Scope, Introduction, or Summary fields contained more than 4,000 characters. This restriction has been removed.

Supplier: Scorecards


Scorecard Extraction generates unexpected results

The scorecard records in the scorecard extraction file did not correspond to the Period and Year range entered.

A fix has been implemented to ensure the Period and Year range correctly filters the scorecard records for the Scorecard Extract.

Supplier: Scorecards


Future Scorecards not automatically generated

New Scorecards were not being automatically generated when the configuration was set for them to auto schedule either by reaching the Due Date or the scorecard being set to complete.

A fix has been implemented so when configured correctly, a new Scorecard will now be automatically scheduled.