1 Feature Summary

This chapter describes the feature enhancements in this release.

Noteworthy Enhancements

There are no enhancements in this update. See the Noteworthy Resolved Issues for more information about the contents in this update.

Post Release Tasks and Impact on Existing Installation

The following post release tasks and impact on an existing installation must be taken into account as part of this release.

System Text

The fix to include the Ingredient Type field in the Recipe queries (item 33679188) introduces a new System Text record:

reportQueryColumn.INGREDIENT_INGREDIENT_TYPE=Ingredient Type

The system text records are added automatically during the release process, however any translation overrides must be added manually, by the retailer administrator.

Enabling User Roles

If they do not already exist, configure the Power User, Account Administrator, Assistant Technologist, and Site Inspector user roles, and assign to the appropriate users.

Enabling Artwork with SSO

Artwork is not a core Brand Compliance module, but a third-party add-on application. This process enables the integration with the third-party Artwork application, where it is used.

For existing installations that use the Artwork module, in order to configure single sign on (SSO) between Brand Compliance and the Artwork solution (using IDCS OR OCI IAM authentication), the following steps must be taken by the Customer or their Partner:

  1. Ensure the MYARTWORK external system has been created in Brand Compliance PROD and STAGE.

  2. Raise an SR service requesting for creation of the Artwork Application for PROD and STAGE. The call back URLs and IDCS OR OCI IAM URLs must be provided in the SR.

  3. Once created, you will be able to gather the Client ID and Client Secret from IDCS OR OCI IAM.

Refer to the Artwork chapter in the Oracle Retail Brand Compliance Management Cloud Service Administration Guide for the full process for enabling Artwork with SSO.

Database Update Scripts

There are no database upgrade scripts executed when upgrading from to 19.8.