3 Noteworthy Resolved Issues

This following table highlights specific key fixes that are included in this release. In some cases, only a percentage of the overall fixed defects are listed.

Affected Component Defect Number Description

General: Administration


Access to the Synchronize Workflow action

A fix has been made to permit users with the Oracle Authorized Administrator authority profile to access the Synchronize Workflow action, which is used when necessary to re-synchronize a record's workflow. Previously, the action was only available to the root user login.

See the Post Release Tasks for instructions on making the necessary Permissions changes.

General: Favorites


Error when adding to Favorites

A fix has been made to rectify an error when attempting to add a document as a Favorite. The issue occurred when the document had an ill-formed title, such as a single, unpaired < character.

General: Language Selector


Language selector sequence

A fix has been made to correct an issue with the sequence of the Language selector in certain cases, such as creation of a new Supplier. The list is now correctly presented in the order defined by the Priority field in the Languages glossary. As part of the fix, the field type has been changed from a combo box to a list selector.

General: News Items


Error when uploading image to News Item

A fix has been made to rectify an error when attempting to upload an image to a News Item.

General: System Text

31688386, 31730774

English overrides created when importing System Text

A fix has been made to rectify an issue with overrides being incorrectly created for the English (British) base language when an administrator user with an alternative language imported system text.

General: Users


Users removed from IDCS legacy group

A fix has been made to rectify an issue with the hourly batch job that synchronizes user updates between Brand Compliance and Identity Cloud Service (IDCS).

The issue resulted in the user being removed from the XX_BC_User legacy IDCS group.

Global Network Bus: Contacts


Error when synchronizing Contact data

A fix has been made to rectify an error that occurred when synchronizing Supplier Contacts.

When the login id and the email address are changed against a supplier/site user on a satellite system, running a 17.0 version, this is causing an issue when trying to reflect this change on the global system, when running an 18.2 version.

From release 18.2, Oracle Identity Cloud Service (IDCS) manages users' login ids and email addresses. There is no ability to change them in Brand Compliance

The fix ensures that the email address remains synchronized between satellite portals that are not controlled by IDCS, and the global portal to prevent this issue.

Product: Product Specifications


Incorrect mapping of product variant in Pack Copy File

A fix has been made to rectify an issue with the mapping of the product header and the Retailer Product Number field in the Pack Copy file. The issue occurred when the specification contained multiple product variants.

Product: Product Specifications


SRP Reason missing from Pack Copy File

A fix has been made to rectify an issue with the Shelf Ready Packaging Reason field being missing from the Pack Copy file.

Product: Product Specifications


Issues with Nutri-Score Category glossary export

The option to export the Nutri-Score Categories glossary within the Product Specifications administration area is no longer available.

Due to the complexity of this glossary, it is not suited to the import/export facility. The Export option has been removed from the Actions menu of the glossary's list view, and the option to bulk export glossaries now excludes this glossary. The Import option remains for the initial setup of the base glossary contents.

Product: Product Specifications


Allergen Statement not showing bold text in Pack Copy File

A fix has been made to rectify an issue with bold text in the Allergy & Dietary Advice Declaration statement not being carried through to the Pack Copy file.

Product: Product Specifications


Error when printing Pack Copy Types

A fix has been made to rectify an error when selecting to print entries in the Pack Copy Types glossary.

Product: Product Specifications

29273310, 31383066

Unable to hide pages in FPS Specification section

A fix has been made to rectify an error that occurred when attempting to configure the Permissions rules to hide pages within the Product Specification’s Finished Product Standards section.

The fix has been applied to the Food, Formulated Non Food, Constructed Non Food, Beers Wines & Spirits, and Produce specification types.

See Post Release Tasks for an example of how to edit the Permissions spreadsheet with rules to hide the Chemical Standards and Microbiological Standards pages in the FPS section.

Product: Product Specifications

29875591, 30568758, 30633216

Issues with Front of Pack Nutrition Scoring

A fix is made to rectify an issue in the Front of Pack Nutrition Scoring Rules glossary, in the Product Global Glossaries admin area. The issue resulted in rows of the Score Bandings table being hidden.

The fix addresses a related issue where the front of pack nutrition score color coding was not present in the product specification's Nutrition section.

Product: Product Specifications


Temporary specifications list view does not save site details

The issue occurred where the site information was not saved when creating temporary specifications of type Processed/Manufactured. Null values were saved at the list view level such that when the data was downloaded, site information was not populated for the temporary specifications.

A fix has been implemented to ensure the site information is populated for newly created temporary specifications of type Processed/Manufacture.

Product: Product Specifications

30574454, 31210885

Issues saving updates in the Finished Products Standards section

A fix has been implemented to resolve user updates not being saved to the Microbiological Classification tables, within the Finished Products Standards section of product specifications. The issue occurred when a user was entering details into the Microbiological table and clicked Save on the specification. If the user continued to enter more details into the Microbiological table, then these additional details after the save were being lost. A temporary work around was to perform a Save and Exit on the specification and then afterwards reedit the specification and make the subsequent changes.

This fix also addresses the same issue on the Product Standards section of Produce Specifications.

Product: Product Specifications


Use on Pack data cleared when creating a new version of a Specification

A fix has been made to rectify an issue with the Certificates Use on Pack data not being retained in the Specification’s Other Labelling Copy section on creation of a new version of the specification.

Product: Product Specifications

30995670, 31144209

Nutrient value limited to N5.N8, increased to N8.N8

The format of the numeric fields within the Nutrients table on the Nutrition section has been updated to increase the size of the value that can be entered. This is to support necessary requirements for some customers. The new format is N8.N8, xxxxxxxx.xxxxxxxx (maximum 8 digits before decimal place, 8 digits after).

Product: Product Specifications


Missing values in a combined specification's Recipe section

A fix has been made to rectify an issue with compound ingredients having values missing from the Recipe section when two product specifications had been combined. The issue occurred where the recipe was nested to two levels or more.

Product: Product Specifications


Unable to edit combined specification's Nutrition section

A fix has been made to rectify an issue with it not being possible to edit the Nutrition section of a combined specification after unlocking the section.

Product: Product Specifications

31335714, 31340984

Convert precision of values in specification's Nutrition section

A fix has been made to the update script that runs during the release process, to correct the conversion of nutrient values in the specification's Nutrition section. The fix ensures the new precision of 8 integers and 8 decimals is applied.

Product: Product Specifications


Apostrophe not displaying in Advanced Packaging section

A fix has been made to rectify an issue with the apostrophe character being missing from the table headings in the specification’s Advanced Packaging section.

Product: Product Specifications


Pack Copy Required not showing language translation

A fix has been made to ensure language translations are applied to the Pack Copy Required radio button in the specification’s Multi Pack section, when in edit mode. Previously always in English, it now shows in the user’s language.

Product: Product Specifications


Special characters not displaying in Nutrition Footnote Table

A fix has been made to ensure special characters are correctly displayed within the Footnote Table of the specification’s Nutrition section.

Product: Product Specifications


Finished Product Standards section duplicates header information

On the Microbiological Standards tab of the Finished Product Standards section for product specifications, the header information was being incorrectly duplicated. A correction has been applied to remove this duplicated information from this Microbiological Standards tab.

Product: Product Specifications


Shipping Case Codes not appearing in non-food Pack Copy files

A fix has been made to rectify an issue with Shipping Case Codes not appearing in the Pack Copy files for Formulated Non Food and Constructed Non Food specifications.

Product: Product Specifications

31838310, 31841656, 31900560

Pack Copy File missing translated system text

A fix has been made to rectify an issue with the translation of system text labels in Pack Copy files for languages that use the extended character set, such as Chinese and Russian.

The issue occurred in Pack Copy and Counter Ticket files for all specification types. The installation process has been adjusted to include the installation of the Albany fonts, which provide the extended ASCII (non-Latin) characters.

Product: Surveillance


Surveillance test reports not uploading site codes which do not match the product code

The issue occurs when site codes do not match any of the site codes on the Product Record. This issue has been resolved so when the system parameter Use Site Codes is set to Yes, if a site code does not match a site code on the Product Record, an import error will be generated to allow it to be corrected or ignored. However, the site code must still be a valid site code for the corresponding supplier.

Product: Surveillance


Unable to load surveillance reports due to errors

Further improvements have been made to the pre-validation routine for the Surveillance Test Report upload to reduce the timeout exceptions that can be experienced.

Additionally, an issue of case sensitivity was included as part of, for the Country of Origin, Sample Type, Lab Opinion, Test Name, and Units. This case sensitivity has now been removed.

Current recommendation is to still keep the Surveillance Test Report that is uploaded to be around the 500 rows in Excel.

Project: Project Briefs


Brief extract fails when criteria includes a date filter

To reduce the brief extract file size to within the maximum data size allowed, the advanced search criteria can be utilized to reduce the number of records, in the list view, for which the brief extract will be based on. Previously when a user included a date filter in the advanced search criteria to reduce the list view, the extract failed.

A fix has been made to rectify this error associated with date fields, allowing the record list view to be reduced as required without error.

Project: System Text


Changing project status system text in English

A fix has been made to rectify an issue with the Set To system text label appearing in English, regardless of the user's chosen language, when using the Change Status action for a Project. A new Set To System Text record has been created.

The new System Text record is added automatically, however any translation overrides will need to be set up manually as a Post Release Task.

Reports: Data Warehouse


Reports data warehouse build failure

A fix has been made to rectify an issue with the build of the Reports data warehouse during startup of the application.

Reports: Data Warehouse


Data warehouse build failure

On application startup, a number of batch jobs scheduled to run were failing to do so. A change has been implanted to ensure the batch jobs run as scheduled.

Reports: Excel Outputs


Excel outputs contain extra rows

A fix has been made to the Excel report output formats to prevent extra line-feed rows being generated, which is a known BI Publisher issue.

The fix replaces the line-feeds with a space, thus removing the line breaks, so the data will show in a single row. The change is applicable to all reports however, it does not affect the Pack Copy output or the Product Requirements form reports.

Reports: KPI Reports

31383303, 31384415, 31584497

KPI Report returning zero value

A fix has been made to rectify an issue with a scheduled KPI report incorrectly returning a zero value when reporting on the count of Product Specifications.

The issue was due to an error in the report schedule batch job.

Reports: Project Reports

31600853, 31600826

Project report is not showing linked product records

When a Product Record does not have the product coverage fields populated (Product Number, Alt. Product No, and Division), the Project reports were not providing these linked records in the report output.

A change has been implemented to the Projects query to manage this scenario resulting in linked records now being displayed in the report output.

Reports: Report CR21


Error when scheduling Surveillance Testing Requirements report

A fix has been made to rectify an error when attempting to schedule the Surveillance Testing Requirements report (CR21).

Reports: Report CR42


Report formatting issues

A fix has been made to rectify formatting issues in the Food Product Requirement report (CR42).

Trailing zeros have been trimmed in the Total % column of the Recipe table.

The Packaging Components table in the in the Packaging section now displays multiple rows correctly, as do the Product Attributes, Additional Attributes, and Quantitative Standards tables in the Finished Product Standards section.

Reports: Report CR44


Report formatting issues

A fix has been made to rectify formatting issues in the CNF Product Requirement report (CR44).

The Packaging Components table in the Packaging section now displays multiple rows correctly, as do the Product Attributes and Additional Attributes tables in the Finished Product Standards section.

Reports: Report CR45


Report formatting issues

A fix has been made to rectify formatting issues in the Produce Product Requirement report (CR45).

The Product Attributes, Additional Attributes, and Quantitative Standards tables in the Product Standards section now display multiple rows correctly.

Reports: Report CR46


Report formatting issues

A fix has been made to rectify formatting issues in the BWS Product Requirement report (CR46).

The Packaging Components table in the Packaging section now displays multiple rows correctly, as do the Product Attributes, Additional Attributes, and Quantitative Standards tables in the Finished Product Standards section

Supplier: Audit Checklists


Saved audit checklist answers only visible in edit mode

When completing an audit checklist, the answers entered and saved would not be visible to the user afterwards in read mode, suggesting the checklist answer data was not being saved. Only on entering edit mode would the previous saved answers be visible.

This fix ensures the saved checklist answers are visible in read mode.

Supplier: Audits


People Present table validation

A fix has been made to rectify an issue with the validation of the Audit’s People Present table.

The validation is now applied correctly. The validation is no longer applied when progressing an audit to Abandoned status.

Supplier: Contacts


Contact Roles appearing in English

A fix has been made to rectify an issue with the names of contact roles appearing in English, regardless of the user's chosen language, when viewing Contacts.

Supplier: Sites


Growers List actions appearing in English

A fix has been made to rectify an issue with the list actions of the Growers List appearing in English, regardless of the user's chosen language, when viewing a Site. The actions affected were those used to sort or add columns to the list.