3 Noteworthy Resolved Issues

This following table highlights specific key fixes that are included in this release. In some cases, only a percentage of the overall fixed defects are listed.

Affected Component Defect Number Description

Application Program Interfaces (APIs): Specifications REST API

32591338, 32591373, 32638374

Error when updating Product Specification

A fix has been made to rectify an error that occurred when using the Specification API to update comments in the Food specification's Recipe, or the FNF specification's Formulation.

General: Custom Fields

31080918, 31887208, 32101363, 32201145, 32786654, 32976117

Error when saving Custom Fields glossary record

A fix has been made to rectify an error that occurred when saving a Custom Fields glossary record. The error occurred after removing values from the Field Sets table.

General: Custom Fields


Error when copying table in Custom Fields glossary record

A fix has been made to rectify an error that occurred when copying a table in the Custom Fields glossary record.

General: Global Change


Error in Change Responsibility global change

A fix has been made to rectify an issue with the Change Responsibility global change in the Admin area for changing the Lead Technologist responsible for Sites.

The issue resulted in the batch job terminating when a Site, Audit, or Scorecard record being processed could not be saved due to a validation failure, such as a missing mandatory value.

The fix will handle such an event by continuing rather than terminating, and reporting the exception as a failure, with a message stating the record could not be updated. The user must then correct the error and resubmit the global change.

New system text is introduced for the error messages. See Post Release Tasks for further details.

General: Library


Error when opening Library

A performance improvement has been made to rectify an error that occurred when opening the Library. The error could occur if the Library contained in excess of 1000 document folders.

General: Library


Error when accepting or reading a Library document

A fix has been made to rectify an error that occurred when accepting or reading a Library document, using the Mark as Read and Mark as Accepted actions respectively.

General: List Views

29749255, 30982828, 31784570, 32192714, 33360544

Status Change columns in Audits & Visits and Product Records list views

A change has been made to the Audits & Visits and Product Records list views, to move the Status and Created On fields from the Status Change History group to the respective Audit/Visit Details and Product Record Details groupings.

This change has been made because the fields relate to the main record (its current status and when it was created) rather than the history of its status changes. In the Status Change History group, Created On is replaced with Changed On and Status is removed (Status Before or Status After should be used instead).

As a result, where the Status or Created On fields have been used as selection criteria in the default list views, or in any custom list views, when the Advanced Search criteria is opened, these are now de‑selected. In order to rectify this, it may be necessary to manually reselect the fields in any affected Audits & Visits or Product Records list views. See Post Release tasks.

General: Web Service Log


Response entries missing from Web Service log

A fix has been made to rectify an issue where Response.xml entries were not being written to the Web Service log. Request.xml entries were being logged correctly.

Product: Pack Copy File


Duplicate rows in Pack Copy File

A fix has been made to rectify an issue with duplicate rows in the Product Names table of the Pack Copy file. The fix has been applied to all the standard Pack Copy files; on page break, just the Header row is now repeated.

Product: Produce


Error opening Produce Specifications and Product Records

A performance improvement has been made to rectify timeout errors that occurred when attempting to open a Produce Specification or a Produce Product Record.

Product: Product Records


Error when selecting Business Category

A fix has been made to rectify an error that occurred when editing a Product Record and selecting a Business Category. The error occurred when searching within the Business Category selector.

Product: Specifications


OLC Icons & Claims table not copied in CNF and FNF Specifications

A fix has been made to rectify an issue with the population of the Icons & Claims table in the Other Labelling Copy section of the Constructed Non Food and Formulated Non Food specifications. The issue resulted in the Claim Type column not being populated when copying a specification or the OLC section. The entire table is now copied.

Product: Specifications


Table buttons in Control Points table of CNF Specifications

A fix has been made to rectify an issue with the table buttons in the Constructed Non Food specification's Process Controls section. The issue resulted in all table actions being available when the specification was at Active status. The system now correctly just shows the Copy Row and Copy Table buttons at that status.

Product: Specifications

32648815, 32648828, 32878743

Number of Servings statement missing from Nutrition declaration

A fix has been made to the generation of the Nutrition Declaration to rectify an issue with the Number of Servings statement not being included. See Post Release Tasks.

Product: Specifications


Multiple entries in list view for multi-site Specifications

A fix has been made to rectify an issue in the Product Specification list views, where multi-site specifications appeared multiple times within the list view.

An upgrade script will be run as part of this fix to ensure specifications with multiple primary sites are shown on a single row with the sites separated by a new line in a single cell.

The fix applies to the following system-delivered list views:

  • Specs By Business

  • Specs By Country Where Sold

  • Specs By Sub Brand and Technologist

  • Specs By Technologist

  • Specs By Technologist & Status

  • Specs By Technologist & Sub Brand

Note: Any custom views that have been created from the system‑delivered list views are not affected by the data fix. They can be fixed manually, by removing the Site column and adding it back in. See Post Release Tasks.

Project: Email Notifications


Overdue Activity notifications

It is now possible to send multiple email notifications about overdue activities by setting up multiple overdue email rules. One notification will be sent per rule.

An upgrade script will be run as part of this fix to ensure notifications are not sent for existing overdue email rules where a notification has already been sent for an overdue activity.

Project: Scheduling


Planned working dates not set

A fix has been made to rectify an issue with the Add Activity and Schedule action not setting the planned working days for the Project or the dates for its Activities correctly.

Reports: Allergens and Suitable For Queries


Allergen Declaration missing from report query

A fix has been made to include the Allergen Declaration field in the Allergens and Suitable For report queries.

The new Declaration column provides the declaration statement as plain text. No formatting such as bold or uppercase is intended to be reflected in the reporting output; any line breaks are represented as a space.

Reports: Contact Roles Query


No results for Supplier Area report

A fix has been made to rectify an issue with reports based on the Contact Roles reporting query not returning results when the report contained the Supplier Area column.

Reports: Formatting


Superfluous rows in spreadsheet outputs

A fix has been made to rectify an issue with superfluous rows being output in the Excel (xls and xlsx) report outputs. The issue resulted in additional rows for data that contained HTML paragraph tags (<p> and </p>), such as the Product Specification's On Pack Ingredients List.

This fix replaces the paragraph tags with a space. The data in the report will not have paragraph line breaks and the data will be shown in one row, thus ensuring the rows can be correctly filtered in the spreadsheet. The fix is applicable to all reports however it does not affect the Pack Copy output or the Product Requirements system reports; these retain full formatting with the paragraph line breaks.

Reports: Formatting

32906873, 33042538, 33042556, 33042587, 33042609

Superfluous rows in spreadsheet outputs

A fix has been made to rectify an issue with superfluous rows being output in the Excel (xlsx) report outputs. The standard report templates have been amended to prevent additional blanks rows being output.

The fix also standardizes the style of table borders in the standard report templates.

Reports: Formatting


Extra commas in report outputs

A fix has been made to rectify an issue with extra commas appearing in certain report outputs, such as the standard reports CR69 - Produce Treatments & Allergens.

Reports: Raw Materials Query


Error when populating Raw Materials in data warehouse

A fix has been made to rectify an error that occurred when populating Recipe Item Raw Materials in the Reporting data warehouse.

Reports: Report Template Admin


Error when saving a Report Template

A fix has been made to rectify an error that occurred when saving a Report Template in the Admin area.

The error occurred when the Code contained a slash character. The characters <>/\:"?* are now forbidden in the Code field.

Reports: Report Templates Admin


Validation error when saving a new Report Template

A fix has been made to rectify an issue when saving a new version of a Report Template in the Admin area. The validation failed with a file type error, even though a valid RTF file was attached to the template being copied.

Reports: Spec API Data Source


Product Technologist missing from Spec API reporting data source

A fix has been made to the Spec API reporting data source to include the Product Technologist field.

Reports: Specification Report Queries


Deleted column in report queries

A fix has been made to make the Deleted field available as a column and a filter in the following Specification report queries:

  • Product Specification

  • Recipe Item Raw Material

  • Ingredients

Reports: Standard/Claim Query


Declared Quantity missing from Standard/Claim reporting data source

A fix has been made to the Standard/Claim reporting data source to include the Declared Quantity field from the specification's Other Labelling Copy section.

Supplier: Site Record


Error when validating mandatory fields

A fix has been made to rectify an error that occurred when validating a Site record for mandatory fields. The issue occurred when the record had been opened for editing from its parent Supplier record, and the Supplier record had missing mandatory fields.