3 Noteworthy Resolved Issues

This following table highlights specific key fixes that are included in this release. In some cases, only a percentage of the overall fixed defects are listed.

Affected Component Defect Number Description

General: User Email


Retail Home link in new user email

A change has been made to the email template that is used to notify new users that they have been registered in the ORBC portal.

Retailer users will have the ability to access ORBC from Retail Home, along with any other Oracle Retail applications they have access to. Supplier users do not have access to Retail Home.

The new user email template (IDCS2) has therefore been amended to include additional text when the email is generated for a retailer user, providing them with a link to Retail Home.

Note: Any language translation overrides for the email text must be applied manually as a Post Release Task.

Product: Allergen Declaration

33002258, 33145170

Order of Allergen Declaration statements

A fix has been made to rectify an issue with the order of the Other Allergen Declarations, to ensure it remains consistent between read and edit modes.

Project: Brief Extract


Brief Extract Criteria selector not showing Project Title

A fix has been made to rectify an issue with the Project Filter selector in the Brief Extract Criteria showing the Project record's Global Id field rather than the Project Title.

Project: Brief Extract


Brief Extract results data not showing in correct columns

The section names and question responses in the Brief Extract did not correlate to the Section Name and Questions columns.

A fix has been made to rectify the issue so the corresponding data now appears in the Section Name and Questions columns.

Reports: CR60 GNB Errors Report


Global Network Bus Errors report (CR60)

A change has been made to the method of identifying Web Service Log errors to be included in the Global Network Bus Errors report.

As a result, the Outgoing Message column is no longer suitable for use as a filter on the Web Service Log report query.