View Duplicate Sets

To view the customer records for a selected duplicate set, so that you can evaluate whether they should be merged.:

  1. Select View from the Customer Merge Review Actions menu.

    Result: The View Duplicate Customer Set window appears

    Figure 3-4 View Duplicate Customer Set

    View Duplicate Customer Set
  2. You can click the following links from this window:

    Figure 3-5 View Options

    View Options
    1. To view the Customer Dashboard, click the Customer Name from the Customer Name and Address column.

    2. To view the Active Cards available when there are more that two assigned, click the Show More... link from the Cards column.

      Figure 3-6 Active Cards

      Active Cards
    3. To view the Attributes when there are more than two assigned, click the Show More... link from the Attributes Column.

      Figure 3-7 Assigned Attributes

      Assigned Attributes
  3. Click Done to close the list of duplicate customer records.