2 Responsibilities

Oracle Retail and their retail partners work in tandem to secure RDS.

Retailer Responsibilities

At a high level, retailers are responsible for:

  • Understanding Oracle's security policies

  • Implementing their own corporate policies via Oracle tools

  • Creating and administering users via Oracle tools

  • Ensuring data quality and enforcing end-user devices security controls, so that antivirus, malware and other malicious code checks are performed on data and files before uploading data

  • Ensuring that end-user devices meet the minimum security requirements

  • Generating public/private key pairs as requested by Oracle Retail


Retailers are responsible for using valid, certificate authority (CA) signed certificates for TLS. For more information, see My Oracle Support (Doc ID 2710163.1).

To securely implement Oracle Retail Data Store Cloud Services, retailers and their implementation partners should read this document to understand Oracle's security policies. This document summarizes information and contains links to many other Oracle documents.

Oracle Responsibilities

As the cloud service provider, at the highest level Oracle Retail is responsible for:

  • Building secure software

  • Provisioning and managing secure environments

  • Protecting the retailer's data

Oracle Retail Data Store Cloud Services fulfills its responsibilities by a combination of corporate level development practices and cloud delivery policies.