4 Credentials

You still need database credentials to access RDS through your private endpoint. You obtain these credentials by using the Credential Exchange Service, a REST endpoint, through its own private endpoint.

The endpoint provides a means of fetching the database credentials required to connect. Credentials are periodically refreshed when passwords are rotated. You receive notification of password rotation by registering one or more callback services or email addresses with the Credential Exchange Service. Any callback service should be accessible through the Private Endpoint. Repeatedly unavailable endpoints may be removed. Finally, credentials are not conveyed through the callback; you are only notified that they have changed.

Credential Exchange Endpoints

Fetching Credentials

Method Endpoint



Returns the wallet and credentials for the schemas exposed by the Database Private Endpoint.

Registering Notification Endpoints

Method Endpoint



JSON payload: {"usecase": "credentialRotationNotification", "endpoint": "http://example.org:80/foo/bar/baz/notification1" }

This method inserts unique endpoints into the notification endpoint list. Duplicates are silently ignored (intended for repeat registrations from restarted callback services). The notification endpoint can be a URL in the form of http, https, or mailto (e.g., mailto:foo@bar.baz).

Registered http or https endpoints are called with an http POST containing a JSON payload describing the scope of the change: {usecase:"credentialRotation", change:"<all|credentials|wallet>" } 

Registered mailto endpoints are sent a notification email.

After receiving this notification, the consuming applications should refresh their credentials.

Method Endpoint



JSON payload: {"usecase": "credentialRotationNotification", "endpoint": "http://example.org:80/foo/bar/baz/notification1" }

Removes endpoints from a list. Non-existent endpoints are silently ignored.

Method Endpoint



Returns endpoints[...] containing a list of registered endpoints, or empty endpoints [] if none exist.


{"endpoints": [ "http://example.org:80/foo/bar/baz/notification", "mailto: nobody@example.org" ] }

Serialized Wallet and Credential Format

Credentials are serialized into JSON and, within that payload, Oracle Wallet file contents are base64 encoded.

Content Purpose


Array of wallets, currently a single entry


Name of database wallet and instance, derived from tnsnames.ora within wallet


(Currently unused)


(Currently unused)


Expiration date of wallet, derived from truststore certificate within wallet


Start date of wallet, derived from truststore certificate within wallet


Date of last rotation


Map of database credentials (username):(password)


Map of wallet file contents, (filename):(base64 encoded file)


  "wallets": [
      "certificateEndDate": 1746276157000,
      "certificateStartDate": 1588596157000,
      "comment": null,
      "lastRotationDate": 1624305815466,
      "schemas": {
        "username1": "password1",
        "username2": "password2",
        "username3": "password3",
        "username4": "password4",
    "wallet": {
      "README": "...base64-encoded-file...",
      "cwallet.sso": "...base64-encoded-file...",
      "ewallet.p12": "...base64-encoded-file...",
      "keystore.jks": "...base64-encoded-file...",
      "ojdbc.properties": "...base64-encoded-file...",
      "sqlnet.ora": "...base64-encoded-file...",
      "tnsnames.ora": "...base64-encoded-file...",
      "truststore.jks": "...base64-encoded-file..."
    "walletName": "Wallet_RDSADWABC123",
    "walletPassword": null