1 Oracle Retail EFTLink

This document highlights the major changes for Release 22.0 of Oracle Retail EFTLink.


Oracle Retail EFTLink provides the payment foundation for Xstore Point of Service and is a middleware product that enables Oracle to remove Xstore Point of Service from the costly and frequently changing Payment Application Data Security Standard (PA-DSS).

As retailers continue to investigate the most cost effective ways in which they can become compliant with PCI standards, EFTLink provides a tested and mature approach that is already deployed in over ten countries. The solution has been adopted as the strategic approach for Xstore Point of Service and enables the rapid support of payment solutions in new markets by working with payment providers who are local and/or offer an extensive international network.

EFTLink uses an industry-standard interface to the point of service and then translates the messages to the relevant format provided by the payment provider, enabling the POS to be outside of the payment scope.

Functional Enhancements

The following is a list of functional enhancements made to EFTLink since the last release.

  • Addition of new request fields in the CardServiceRequest for L2/L3 support

  • Addition of new sub-type FinalizeEFT to CardServiceRequest

  • Configuration to bypass PSP Name Check on follow on transactions

OPI Retail

  • Addition of new Oracle Retail Payment Cloud Service (ORPCS)

  • Addition of basket items in Sale/Purchase Request

  • New field OriginalTransType added to the Gift Card Void request message

  • New field ExtTerminId added to response messages

  • Transaction Inquiry - message handling enhancement

  • Allow Gift Card PAN’s in the clear

  • Support for the voiding of Cell Phone Recharge and Invoice Payments messages

  • OriginalRRN added to ManualAuth request transaction

  • Balance Inquiry – EntryMode added to response message

  • Additional Wallet Types added to OPI Spec are supported

  • Additional IssuerId’s added to OPI Spec are supported

  • Support for PayByLink (PBL)

    • Both Card Present (CP) and Card Not Present (CNP)

  • Support for new “Finalize EFT” Message

Related Documents

For more information, see the following documents in the Oracle Retail EFTLink 22.0 documentation set:
  • Oracle Retail EFTLink Core Configuration Guide

  • Oracle Retail EFTLink Framework Advanced Features Guide

  • Oracle Retail EFTLink Framework Installation and Configuration Guide

  • Oracle Retail EFTLink Security Guide

  • Oracle Retail EFTLink Rest API Guide

  • Oracle Retail EFTLink Xstore Compatibility Guide

  • Oracle Retail EFTLink Validated Partners Guide

  • Oracle Retail EFTLink Validated OPI Partners Guide