Get Data

This end point returns data from the provided schema and table(s). The query parameters "fromTables" allows single or multiple tables.

The query parameter "rowFilter" can be used to provide a join between tables.

Tables and columns need to be qualified if multiple tables are provided in "fromTables". The data is returned in JSON/XML format and one page of data is returned. The response contains a link to the next page if there are additional pages.

HTTP Operation: GET

Path: /resources/dds/{schemaName}/data?fromTables=<tables>

The following query parameters can be provided to filter the data.

  • columnFilter - Columns to be included in the response

  • rowFilter - Predicate can be provided in the rowFilter to filter the data

  • sortBy - Valid values are ascending(asc) or descending(desc)

  • Page - Page number

  • pageLimit - Number of records to be included in the page. The default page size is 25

  • format - Valid values are short or long. Short format provides data without column names. Long format provides data with column names.