Metric Definitions

The following sections describe the metrics that are collected by the system.

Event Counts

When a message is subscribed or published, an event is generated to increment the event count for the hour of the day.

Adapter Execution Time

For a subscriber adapter, the time is noted as soon as the message arrives. At the end of the onMessage method the difference is calculated. An Adapter Execution Time event is created, which is used (if applicable) to set the minimum, maximum, and last adapter execution time for the hour of the day.

For a publishing adapter, the time is noted at the beginning and end of the publishing method, and the difference is calculated. An Adapter Execution Time event is created, which is used (if applicable) to set the minimum, maximum, and last adapter execution time for the hour of the day.

API Execution Time

For a subscriber adapter, the time is noted around the API call and the difference is calculated. An API Execution Time event is created, which is used (if applicable) to set the minimum, maximum, and last API execution time for the hour of the day.

For publishing adapter, there is no API execution time.

Adapter Status

A scheduled background job collects the Adapter status and updates the local repository. If the RIB application is down, since the job cannot run the status of the adapter in the central repository will be the last known status until the cache expires. After the cache expiry it will be "Unknown' until the status is reset by the rib-<app>.

Commits and Rollbacks

The commit and rollback count is the same information maintained by WebLogic server for the EJBs transactions. RIB monitoring system interrogates the JMX MBeans for the commit and rollback counts and updates the local repository. A message flow may result in more than one commit and rollback, depending on various scenarios of failures.

Error Hospital Metrics

Error hospital data for the RIB application is queried by a scheduled background thread and the following information is collected:

  • Total Messages in Error Hospital: Total number of messages in the Error Hospital for the application

  • Total Messages in Error Hospital due to dependency: Total number of dependent messages in the Error Hospital

  • Message Family: Message family of the family-vice statistics

  • Adapter class Definition: Adapter information for the message family

  • Error count: Number of error messages for the message family

  • Dependency count: Number of the dependent messages for the message family

RIB Application Status

Status of the RIB application, e.g., RUNNING, STOPPED etc.