Retail Integration Bus (RIB)

The Retail Integration Bus (RIB) is a fire-and-forget, asynchronous messaging backbone and designed as a "Pub/Sub" JMS messaging architecture, with additional application functionality added such as intelligent transformation, routing and error handling.

The RIB has been designed, and proven to handle retail volumes of messages, typically millions during a Tier 1 -Tier 1+ retailer's business day.

The design and architecture of the RIB infrastructure and the Oracle Retail Applications API's are based on two key requirements driven by the Oracle Retail Application's Business process models.

  • Preservation of Publication Sequence. The business event (message) must be delivered to all the subscribing applications in the order (FIFO) the business event (messages) was published by the publishing application.

  • Guaranteed Once-and-only-once Successful Delivery. The RIB must preserve and persist all business events (messages) until all applications (Subscribers) have looked at the message and have successfully consumed it or decided they do not care about that event (message).

The RIB is designed as an asynchronous publication and subscription messaging integration architecture.

The RIB interfaces are organized by message family. Each message family contains information specific to a related set of operations on a business entity or related business entities. The publisher is responsible for publishing messages in response to actions performed on these business entities in the same sequence as they occur.

Each message family has specific message payloads based on agreed upon business elements between the Oracle Retail applications.


Third Party and Legacy Integration has been the corner stone of the Enterprise Integration components. To that end there are cloud focused enhancements to RIB; RIB-EXT and FileIO.

RIB-EXT completes the ability of the Integration Cloud Service to expose the RIB as REST and SOAP services to 3rd Party deployed on-prem or in other cloud deployments.

RIB-EXT is a deployment time configurable component that supports pub/sub to/from the RIB and an external application by exposing the RIB as SOAP services to Retail Applications and third party deployed on-premises or in other cloud deployments.

  • RIB-EXT has all of the RIB flows available for the deployment time configuration based on the customer use cases.

  • RIB-EXT configuration is performed based on the customers use cases for data to and from the RIB.

Figure 2-1 RIBforEXT Information Flow

RIBforEXT Information Flow


The FileIO app has been enhanced to fill a gap by exposing customer facing REST and SOAP Web Service APIs to FileIO that publishes and subscribes flat files to RIB-EXT that then pub/subs to the RIB's JMS.

FileIO works in conjunction with the RIB-EXT component. The RIB-EXT server side component exposes customer facing REST and SOAP Web Service APIs.

FileIO publishes or subscribes using flat files to RIB-EXT that then pub/subs to the RIB's JMS.

The files are not moved by ftp. RICS transmits the data via web services.

Figure 2-2 FILEIO Information Flow

FILEIO Information Flow