External Application as a Publisher (rest-app) using OAuth2

For external applications to publish to the RIB JMS on cloud, it needs to use a publishing webservice provided by rib-ext.

The end point of publishing service follows below pattern:

Table 4-1 Publishing Service Pattern

Resource HTTP Method Endpoint



GET http://<external_LB_url>/<rics-sub-namespace>/rib-ext-services-web/resources/publisher/ping




  • RIB-EXT publishing service REST endpoints are protected using OAuth2 token-based authentication meaning end points are accessible by sending along an access token.

  • Scope will be used for authorization of REST services. Scope for RICS is in the following format- rgbu:rics:RICS-<Environemnt Type><Environment Index> (that is, rgbu:rics:RICS-DEV1).

  • Client Credentials grant type is supported.

For getting access to RICS publishing service you need to create a client app in IDCS. IDCS app generates an access token that will be used for making publishing service calls. Follow steps for creating the client app in IDCS.