External Importer Job

The tables BDI_IMPRTR_IFACE_MOD_DATA_CTL and BDI_IMPORTER_IFACE_ DATA_CTL act as a handshake between the receiver service and importer jobs. When the Receiver Service completes processing a data set successfully, it creates an entry in these ta-bles.

An entry in the table BDI_IMPRTR_IFACE_MOD_DATA_CTL indicates to the

Importer Job that a data set is ready to be imported.

The Importer job imports a data set for an Interface Module from inbound tables into application specific transactional tables. Importer jobs are application (for example SIM/RPAS/EXTERNAL) specific jobs. It uses the Importer Data Control Tables to identify whether a data set is ready for import or not.

Figure 6-1 External importer Job

External importer Job

For each required interface, implement the logic in the "import" function of the "<Inter-faceModule_Name>_Importer_Body.sql" file as in the indicated section below. The sql file is located in <bdi-edge-external-job-home>/setup-data/ddl/ folder.

SQL File

External Importer

  1. Importer job is run from App B EXTERNAL Job Admin application through REST or UI.

  2. Importer job checks for data sets in importer data control tables.

  3. If data set is available for import, importer job downloads data from inbound table.

  4. Importer job loads data to App B EXTERNAL staging tables.