3 Oracle Retail SaaS Security

Security is a many faceted issue to address. To discuss Oracle Retail SaaS security, it helps to define and categorize the many aspects of security. For the purposes of this document, we discuss the following categories of SaaS security:

  • Secure Product Engineering

  • Secure Deployment

  • Secure Management

  • Assessment and Audits

Secure Product Engineering

Oracle builds secure software through a rigorous set of formal, always evolving security standards and practices known as Oracle Software Security Assurance (OSSA). OSSA encompasses every phase of the product development lifecycle.

More information about OSSA can be found at:


The cornerstones of OSSA are Secure Coding Standards and Security Analysis and Testing. Secure Coding Standards include both general use cases and language specific security practices. More information about these practices can be found at:


Security Analysis and Testing includes product specific functional security testing and both static and dynamic analysis of the code base. Static Analysis is performed via tools including both internal Oracle tools and HP's Fortify. Dynamic Analysis focuses on APIs and endpoints, using techniques like fuzzing to test interfaces and protocols.


Specific security details of the Integration Cloud Service are discussed in detail later in this document.

Secure Deployment

Secure deployment refers to the security of the infrastructure used to deploy the SaaS application. Key issues in secure deployment include Physical Safeguards, Network Security, Infrastructure Security and Data Security

Physical Safeguards

Oracle Retail SaaS applications are deployed via Oracle Cloud Infrastructure datacenters. Access to Oracle Cloud data centers requires special authorization that is monitored and audited. The premises are monitored by CCTV, with entrances protected by physical barriers and security guards. Governance controls are in place to minimize the resources that are able to access systems. Physical security safeguards are further detailed in Oracle's Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies.


Network Security

The Oracle Cloud network is isolated from the Oracle Corporate Network. Customer instances are separated down to the VLAN level.

Infrastructure Security

The security of the underlying infrastructure used to deploy Oracle Retail SaaS is regularly hardened. Critical patch updates are applied on a regular schedule. Oracle maintains a running list of critical patch updates and security alerts. Per Oracle's Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies, these updates are applied to all Oracle SaaS systems.


Before Oracle Retail deploys code to SaaS, Oracle's Global Information Security team performs penetration testing on the cloud service. This penetration testing and remediation prevents software or infrastructure issues in production systems.


Data Security

Oracle Retail uses a number of strategies and policies to ensure the Retailer's data is fully secured.

  • Data Design - Oracle Retail applications avoid storing personal data. Where PII data exists in a system, Data Minimization, Right to Access and Right to Forget services exist to support data privacy standards.

  • Storage - Oracle Retail applications use encrypted tablespaces to store sensitive data.

  • Transit - All data is encrypted in transit, Retail SaaS uses TLS for secure transport of data, as documented in Oracle's Cloud Hosting and Delivery policy.
