How to Change rib-ext injector-service-app-type from REST to SOAP

  1. Open rib-ext admin gui. Go to Manage Configurations > System Options, observe new prop-erty i.e. injector-service-appType added to allow switching injector service app-type at runtime.

    By default rib-ext is deployed as rest-app so injector-service-appType is defaulted to.

    default rib-ext
  2. Edit injector-service-appType and update this to soap-app. Save the changes.

    soap app
  3. Navigate to Manage Configurations > Injector Service tab. Check for the correctness of injector service URL, ensure it points to correct ext-app injector service.

    Update rib-ext_ws_security_user-name-alias with correct username/password needed to make inject call.

    Update rib-ext_ws_security_user-name-alias
  4. Setup is ready now. Do a ping test from RIB ServiceMonitor tab.