
For an external application to consume the message from the RIB's JMS on cloud, it has to host the Injector Service. Subscriber adapters in rib-ext makes a ReST call to Injector service to send the message to the external application. This document contains detailed information that can be used for implementing Rest inject service.


Tomcat is the certified application server here but provided injector service war should work on any standard app server.

Important Notes

  • Provided rib-injector-service war (inside runs on tomcat and has all the dependencies for rib in order to consume the message as individual application using RIB-EXT flow.

  • No container-managed transaction capability is required.

  • Authentication and authorization will be adjusted by the consuming application by editing web.xml to match their own requirements.

  • rib-injector-services-light-web war works as an standalone utility, this war is provided as a reference implementation for injector service. After the war is deployed, injector service will be made available as ReST End Point. Service contract WADL should be accessible at http://<app-host>:<port>/ rib-injector-services-web/resources/application.wadl.

  • This pluggable war can be added in to the external application deployable file (for example, ext-app.ear/lib). After deployment, Injector service should be available for access at the following:

    http://<external-app-host>:<port>/ rib-injector-services-web/resources/injector/inject

  • The customer can choose to write their own injector service implementation without using rib-injector-services war as long as they adhere to the service contract for Injector. Detailed information is documented in How to implement Injector Service (Service Contract) using ReST.

  • The external application has to write their own implementation logic for the injectors. However, an implementation jar (injector-sample-impl-23.0.000.jar) is provided for reference. Customers can write custom implementation logic inside injector-sample-impl-23.0.000.jar or can choose to implement on their own.