Cloud Account Activation

Since the Retail Integration cloud services are installed using the activated OCI IAM domain details, it is important to ensure any activation concerns are resolved during the pre-provisioning/provisioning period, as making changes after your Retail Integration cloud services are provisioned may require extended downtime.

What should I do if I cannot activate my service into an existing Oracle Cloud Account?

Inform your CSM or sales representative if you run into issues, providing the following information:

  • Existing Oracle Cloud Account name

  • Subscription ID of a service in the account

  • Administrator e-mail for the account

What do I do if I experience errors or failures while attempting to activate cloud account?

The administrator e-mail address must match the e-mail which received the activation notification. If this does match and you are still running into issues, inform your CSM or sales representative, providing the following information:

  • Intended activation approach (new Oracle Cloud Account or activate within an existing)

  • Any error or failure messages received - include screen shots if possible

Can I use another identity management solution?

Only OCI IAM is supported in Retail Integration Cloud Service implementations, however OCI IAM could also be integrated with external identity management providers, like Active Directory, using its APIs.

I have multiple pre-prod environments and want to have different security configurations for the same users/roles in each, can I do that?

The recommended approach is to create roles in OCI IAM (and ORAAC) that reflect the configuration needs for each environment. Or you could consider creating two user IDs for the same person to reflect the different role configurations that they need to test.

Why do I see other users in my OCI IAM instance (for example, batchuser)?

The Oracle Cloud Operations team will also seed a set of integration users required by the solutions as part of the provisioning process. These are users used for integration or internally for batch and other processing and should not be deleted.