6 BDI Application Installation Tasks

BDI Cloud Support

As part of all cloud integration between retail applications and Financial system (CFIN), the retail applications are present on cloud and CFIN is also present in cloud. The Oracle Retail Financial Integration (RFI) layer serves as an intermediate thin layer of application between the financial application (CFIN) and Oracle Retail. This integration remains synchronized with the new releases of the edge applications.

This integration is supported only between Cloud Retail apps to cloud Fusion Finance apps. A hybrid or on premise integration is not available for the CFIN.

All Cloud Deployment Topology

All cloud deployment provides computing environment which uses cloud services with orchestration between multiple cloud services. Complete cloud service provide more flexibility and scalability for all the connecting applications.

  • Retail Applications (i.e. RMS/ReIM) are on cloud and Financial Applications (CFIN) is on cloud too.

  • Only Service-based integration works fine.

  • n Topology for this setup requires RFI and CFIN to be in different cloud and will talk through each other via services.

Table 6-1

Applications to be installed All Cloud Topology



















Rms-edge is a sender side app to be installed in the retail cloud. Bdi-rfi is the receiver side app to be installed on cloud side as well along with RFI.


Rms-Edge-App: Please refer to RMS 23.0.000 install guide and create a RMS environment that includes BdiEdgeAppJobAdminPakForRms.

The app can be deployed in any domain but it is recommended to deploy it in the existing RMS domain with separate managed server.

Deploying BDI RFI Batch Job Admin

Preparing the Database for BDI RFI Batch Job Admin Installation

Before you begin installing BDI RFI Batch Job Admin, make sure you have the database schema created for BDI RFI Batch Job Admin.

Please follow the below naming convention during schema creation for BDI RFI or use RFI app schema.


Preparing the WebLogic Domain for BDI Batch Job Admin for RFI
  1. Assuming that WebLogic and JRF domain are installed as part of ORFI installation.

Deploying BDI RFI Batch Job Admin on the WebLogic

To deploy the BDI RFI Batch Job Admin war, take the following steps.

  1. Download BdiEdgeJobAdminPak21.0.000ForRfi21.0.000_eng_ga.zip to $BDI_HOME.

  2. Unzip the downloaded archive. The BDI Job home directory will be created under the current directory.

    Unzip BdiEdgeJobAdminPak21.0.000ForRfi21.0.000_eng_ga.zip.
  3. Edit bdi-job-admin-deployment-env-info.json as follows:

    cd bdi-edge-rfi-job-home/conf
    vi bdi-job-admin-deployment-env-info.json
  4. Provide the following values in the JSON file.

    Table 6-2

    Configuration Property Description

    BdiRfiJobAdminDataSource ->jdbcUrl

    The JDBC URL for the Oracle database where the RFI Retail Proxy schema resides.

    Suggested schema user BDI_RFI_EDGE_SCHEMA

    BdiRfiReceiverServiceDataSource -> jdbcUrl

    The JDBC URL for the Oracle database where the RFI Retail Proxy schema resides.

    BatchInfraDataSource -> jdbcUrl

    The JDBC URL for the schema created using RCU. The schema user is <prefix>_ WLS (e.g. INT_WLS). The value of prefix that you provided in schema creation using RCU.

    JobAdminAppServer -> weblogicDomainName

    The domain name where BDI RFI Admin app is deployed

    JobAdminAppServer -> weblogicDomainHome

    The domain home directory of WebLogic where BDI RFI Admin app is deployed

    JobAdminAppServer -> weblogicDomainAdminServerUrl

    Admin Server URL of the BDI RFI Admin App - http://<Admin host>:<Admin port>

    JobAdminAppServer->weblogicDomainA dminServerProtocol

    AdminServer protocol which is by default t3, For SSL deployment update to t3s.

    JobAdminAppServer -> weblogicDomainAdminServerHost

    Host Name of the BDI RFI Admin Server

    JobAdminAppServer -> weblogicDomainAdminServerPort

    BDI RFI Admin Server Port

    JobAdminAppServer -> weblogicDomainTargetManagedServerNa me

    Managed Server Name where BDI RFI Admin App is installed (e.g.bdi-rfi-server)

    JobAdminAppServer -> jobAdminUiUrl

    Job Admin URL of BDI RFI

    http://<host>:<bdi rfi managed server port>/bdi-rfi-batch-job-admin

    RmsJobAdminAppServer -> jobAdminUiUrl

    Job Admin URL of BDI RMS

    http://<host>:<rms edge managed server port>/rms-batch-job-admin


    Name of the odi domain home

    SystemOptions ->Value Replace with local odi_domain_home directory

  5. Run the deployer script to create the data sources and deploy BDI RFI Batch Job Admin.

    cd bdi-edge-rfi-job-home/bin
    bdi-job-admin-deployer.sh -setup-credentials -deploy-job-admin-app
  6. Enter the values prompted by the script for the following credential aliases. JobAdmin user has more privileges (e.g. change configuration and run jobs from JobAdmin UI) than JobOperator user. JobOperator can run batch jobs where as JobMonitor has just read privileges.

    Table 6-3

    Alias Description


    WebLogic admin server credentials


    Credentials for Admin Role user for Job Admin app


    Credentials for Operator Role user for Job Admin app


    Credentials for Monitor Role user for Job Admin app


    Credentials for the Data Source of the Job Admin Schema


    Credentials for the Data Source of the Job Receiver Schema


    Credentials for the Data Source of the Batch Infra Schema


    RMS edge job admin app credentials


    The alias names in the configuration files should not be changed.

  7. Deployer script deploys BDI RFI Batch Job Admin to the server.

  8. Restrict access to the bdi-int-rfi-job-home folder:

    cd bdi-edge-rfi-job-home 
    chmod -R 700 .
Creating Inbound Interface tables for BDI RFI
  1. Go to $BDI_HOME/bdi-edge-rfi-job-home/setup-data/ddl folder.

  2. Run the sql script bdi_rfi_ddl.sql provided in this folder in the BDI RFI database schema.

  3. DDL generates the necessary retail and inbound interface tables along with the database packages for RFI.

Deploying BDI Process Flow

Preparing the Database for Process Flow Installation

Before you begin installing Process Flow App, make sure you have the database schema created for Process Flow.

Please follow the below naming convention during schema creation for process flow.


Install the Process Flow Application

Perform the following procedure to install the Process Flow application:

  1. Download the process flow archive BdiProcessFlow23.0.000ForAll23.x.xApps_eng_ ga.zip

  2. Unzip the downloaded archive. The Process Home directory will be created under the current directory.

    unzip BdiProcessFlow23.0.000ForAll23.x.xApps_eng_ga.zip
  3. Modify process flow configuration file (conf/bdi-process-flow-admin-deployment-env-info.json) to match the deployment environment. While you can change many values to match your requirements, here is a table of a minimum set of configuration values that you need to modify for process flow application.


    The alias names in the configuration files should not be changed.

    Table 6-4

    Configuration Field Description

    ProcessFlowAdminDataSource ->jdbcUrl

    JDBC URL for the process flow schema. Change this value to match the environment.

    Suggested schema user BDI_PROCESS_INT_SCHEMA


    Name of the WebLogic domain where the process flow application is deployed


    WebLogic Domain home directory

    ProcessFlowAdminAppServer- > weblogicDomainProtocol

    WebLogic admin server protocol is by default t3, if SSL configured then update to t3s.



    WebLogic Admin server URL



    Host name of WebLogic Admin Server



    WebLogic admin server port



    Managed Server name where Process Flow is hosted


    Process Flow admin app URL. Update only the host and port

    SimJobAdminAppServer ->jobAdminUiUrl

    BDI SIM app job admin URL


    BDI SIM job admin URL


    BDI Ocds job admin URL


    BDI Rpas job admin URL


    BDI RFI job admin URL

    ExternalAppJobAdminServer-> BDI External job admin URL jobAdminUiUrl

    BDI External job admin URL

    RmsAppJobAdminAppServer -> jobAdminUiUrl

    RMS APP job admin URL

  4. Determine which flows are in scope for your deployment. Copy the flows from bdi-process-home/setup-data/dsl/available_process_flow_options to bdi-process-home/setup-data/dsl/flows-in-scope.

    For example, for integration between RMS and RFI, the rms_rfi-no_split_Flows files would be copied:

    cp bdi-process-home/setup-data/dsl/available_process_flow_options/rms_rfi-no-split-flows/* bdi-process-home/setup-data/dsl/flows-in-scope/.
  5. Run the deployer. Make sure that the WebLogic server is running before issuing the following command.

    cd bin
    bdi-process-flow-admin-deployer.sh -setup-credentials

    The process flow deployer will prompt for username and password for the following credential aliases:

    Table 6-5

    Alias Description


    WebLogic admin server credentials


    Credentials for Admin Role user for Process Flow Admin app


    Credentials for Operator Role user for Process Flow Admin app


    Credentials for Monitor Role user for Process Flow Admin app


    Credentials for the Data Source of the Process Flow Schema


    BDI RFI job admin app credentials


    RMS APP job admin credentials


    SIM job admin app credentials


    SIM app job admin app credentials


    OCDS app job admin app credentials


    EXTERNAL app job admin app credentials


    RPAS APP job admin credentials

  6. Make sure the deployment step shows deployment success message at the end.

  7. Restrict access to the bdi-process-home folder:

    cd bdi-process-home 
    chmod -R 700 .

See the Oracle Retail Bulk Data Integration Implementation Guide for the operation details of the Process Flow application.

Enabling Email Notification Alerts

Process Flow can send email alerts upon success or failure of process executions as specified in the process definitions.

Follow the instructions in the BDI Installation Guide to configure email notification alerts.

Deploying BDI Batch Scheduler

POM is the BDI batch Scheduler to trigger the pre-configured BDI process flows and should be available on the MFCS domain.