5 Job Admin UI

The BDI Job Admin UI is a web application that provides the GUI for managing batch jobs and runtime.

The User Interface provides ability to:

  • Start/restart, and track status of jobs

  • Enable or Disable the jobs

  • Trace data

  • View diagnostic errors

  • Manage options at job and system level

  • View the logs

Job Admin UI Security

Security in the integration layer is a big concern for every retail enterprise. The security system should be open enough to allow trusted remote applications to integrate easily and, at the same time, lock down unauthorized remote access. To address security concerns, the Job Admin utilizes the security models allowed in the Oracle middleware and database systems.


Both the Job Admin UI and REST Services are secured with SSL and basic authentication.


The below mentioned roles are defined to restrict access to operations in Job Admin.

  • BdiJobAdminRole

  • BdiJobOperatorRole

  • BdiJobMonitorRole

There are three categories of users in Job Admin: Job Administrators, Job Operators, and Job Monitors. Batch jobs can be run from Job Admin UI or through the Batch REST service. Here are the operations that can be performed by the users based on their role.

Function Admin Role Operator Role Monitor Role

Edit configuration from UI




Create/update/delete system options




Create/update/delete system credentials




View credentials




Run Jobs




Monitor jobs




Monitoring Batch Jobs Using BDI Job Admin

Batch jobs can be monitored using the Job Admin UI.

Batch Summary Tab

Figure 5-1 Batch Summary Tab

batch summary tab

This tab shows the summary of the system and details about the latest batch job executions. It can be used to quickly find out whether the latest jobs are successful or not. The last section of this page displays the step summary of the selected job.

Manage Jobs Tab

This tab displays the list of available jobs with their details and allows you to Start a job, Restart failed jobs, enable or disable the jobs, list the executions of a job.

By default all the jobs are enabled. Select the job row and check/uncheck the check box of each job and click on save image button in enable column. Only enabled jobs can be launched/restarted. The Launch/Restart button is disabled for the disabled jobs. There is an option to enable or disable all the jobs at a time by clicking on checkbox, present in the enable column, highlighted in red and click on save image button.


Only enabled jobs can be launched or restarted.

The Launch or Restart button is disabled for the disabled jobs.

Figure 5-2 Manage Jobs Tab

Manage Batch Jobs tab

Job Executions

This tab shows the executions of the selected jobs. It can be used to restart the failed executions of a job. The Restart button is available only for restartable executions in the status column. When the user clicks the restart button it is redirected to the job launch tab with the restart option and pre-populated value of the job parameters from last run of the execution. Only enabled jobs can be restarted otherwise the Restart button is disabled. User can edit the value of the existing parameters except the dataSetId and enter new parameters in comma separated format.


Editing the dataSetId during restart can result in errors.


The url is a infrastructure parameter, the user is not allowed to change its value.

DataSetId in job parameter is not supposed to be edited, and updating same during restart can result into errors.

Job Launch

This tab can be used to launch the jobs. Only enabled jobs can be launched. The Launch button is disabled for the disabled jobs. Job Parameters is an optional input to launch the jobs. Multiple job parameters can be entered in comma separated value format. On restart, the user is redirected to the Job Launch tab, and the launch button is replaced with the restart button. The Job parameters values are pre-populated from the last failed run of the instance. The user has an option to add or update existing key values, except dataSetId.

Figure 5-3 Job Launch

Job Launch

Job Details

This tab shows the details of the selected job such as Job Description, Family, Rest Service Url and Job Xml content.

Figure 5-4 Job Details

Job Details

System Logs Tab

This tab shows logs at job and system level. If a job fails, the job level log provides details about the failure. Information about a job in the log file starts and ends with a banner that shows details such as job name, instance id, execution id and so on.

Figure 5-5 System Logs Tab

system logs
Sample Begin Job Banner


2016-08-03T02:15:00,764 [[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] INFO DownloaderInterfaceJobListener - Beginning of Downloader JOB_NAME(Diff_Fnd_DownloaderAndTransporterToExtJob).

2016-08-03T02:15:00,764 [[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] INFO DownloaderInterfaceJobListener - INTERFACE_MODULE(Diff_Fnd) EXECUTION_ID(3844) INSTANCE_ID(3844).

2016-08-03T02:15:00,764 [[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] INFO DownloaderInterfaceJobListener - *******************************************************************************

Sample End Job Banner


2016-08-03T02:15:02,080 [[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] INFO DownloaderInterfaceJobListener - End of Downloader JOB_NAME(Diff_Fnd_DownloaderAndTransporterToExtJob).

2016-08-03T02:15:02,080 [[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] INFO DownloaderInterfaceJobListener - INTERFACE_MODULE(Diff_Fnd) EXECUTION_ID(3844) INSTANCE_ID(3844).

2016-08-03T02:15:02,081 [[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] INFO DownloaderInterfaceJobListener - Total time for Downloader job: 1 seconds.

2016-08-03T02:15:02,081 [[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '13' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] INFO DownloaderInterfaceJobListener - *******************************************************************************

It also shows whether it processed a data set or not. Here are the keywords that can be used to search the job level log files.

Key Word Description


Name of the job


Execution Id of the job


Instance Id of the job


Transaction Id (Tx#<Job Instance Id>_<Current Time in millis>_<Source System Name>)


Name of the interface module


Name of the interface


Indicates and shows the details about the data set that job is processing


Indicates that the job successfully processed the data set


Indicates that the job failed to process the data set

Diagnostics Tab

This tab shows general job level error information such as error description, stack trace etc as well as job specific error information. Use this tab to identify where a job failed and fix the issue.

Outbound Job Execution Errors

Figure 5-6 Outbound Job Executions Errors

outbound job execution errors

The following information is displayed for outbound job execution errors. There can be multiple outbound job execution errors for a job instance.

Field Name Description

Partition Index

Partition in which the error occurred

Block Number

Block in which the error occurred

Begin Sequence Number

Beginning sequence number in the block

End Sequence Number

Ending sequence number in the block

Inbound Job Execution Errors

The following information is displayed for inbound job execution errors. There can be multiple inbound job execution errors for a job instance.

Field Name Description

File Name

Name of the file in which the error occurred

Begin Row Number

Beginning row number in the file

End Row Number

Ending row number in the file

Trace Data

This tab shows data movement in the BDI. Use this tab to verify that data moved from the sender to destination inbound tables.

Sender Data

Figure 5-7 Sender Data

trace data sender

This tab shows the following information about the sender data by the sender side Job Admin (for example rms-batch-job-admin)

Field Name Description

Transaction Id

Transaction Id (Tx#<Job Instance Id>_<Current Time in millis>_<Source System Name>) of the job

Interface Module

Name of the interface module

Job Name

Name of the batch job

Data Set Ready Time

Time when sender moved the data outbound tables

Data Set Type

Type of data set (FULL or PARTIAL)


Status of the job (COMPLETED or FAILED)

Transaction Duration

Duration of the job

Receiver Data

Figure 5-8 Receiver Data

Receiver Data

This tab shows the following information about the receiver data by the destination application (for example rms-batch-job-admin).

Receiver Transactions
Field Name Description

Source Transaction Id

Transaction Id of the sender job

Source System

Name of the sender


Name of the interface module

Transaction Status

Status of the transaction (COMPLETED or FAILED)


Time it took to send data to Receiver

Source System URL

URL of the source job

Receiver Transmission Details - Partition Level
Field Name Description

Transmission Id

Transmission Id of the partition


Name of the interface module

Interface Short Name

Name of the interface

Source System Partition Name

Partition Number

Partition Begin Sequence Number

Beginning sequence number in the partition

Partition End Sequence Number

Ending sequence number in the partition

Begin Block Number

Beginning block number in the partition

End Block Number

Ending block number in the partition


Status of the transmission (COMPLETED or FAILED)


Time it took to send data for a partition

Receiver Transmission Details - Block Level
Field Name Description

Block Number

Block Number in a partition

Block Item Count

Number of items in the block

Block Status


File Location

Location of the file for the block

Inbound job Executions
Field Name Description

Transaction Id

Transaction Id (Tx#<Job Instance Id>_<Current Time in millis>_<Source System Name>) of the uploader job

Remote Transaction Id

Transaction Id of the downloader job

Interface Module

Name of the interface module (for example Diff_Fnd)

Source System

Name of the source system (for example RMS)

Data Set Type

Type of data set (FULL or PARTIAL)

Source Sys Data Set Ready Time

Time when source system moved data set to outbound tables

Data Set Ready Time

Time when uploader job uploaded data set to inbound tables

File Merge Level



Status of uploader job (COMPLETED or FAILED)

Importer Data Control
Field Name Description

Interface Short Name

Name of the interface

Begin Sequence Number

Begin sequence number of data set in the inbound table

End Sequence Number

End sequence number of data set in the inbound table

Data Partition

Number of partitions used by uploader job


Number of threads used by uploader job

Merge Strategy

Merge strategy used for merging files

Auto Purge Data

Flag that indicates whether files need to be cleaned up or not

Importer Data

Figure 5-9 Importer Data

importer data
Importer Job Executions
Field Name Description

Transaction Id

Transaction Id (Tx#<Job Instance Id>_<Current Time in millis>_<Source System Name>) of the uploader job

Interface Module

Name of the interface module (for example Diff_Fnd)

Source System

Name of the source system (for example RMS)

Source Data Set ID

Generated by extractor job for group of data

Data Set Ready Time

Time when importer job uploaded data set to inbound tables

Source Sys Data Set Ready Time

Time when source system moved data set to inbound tables

Data Set Type

Type of data set (FULL or PARTIAL)


Status of importer job (COMPLETED or FAILED)

Importer Data Control for Interface
Field Name Description

Interface Short Name

Name of the interface

Begin Sequence Number

Begin sequence number of data set in the inbound table

End Sequence Number

End sequence number of data set in the inbound table

Record Count - Sent by Remote App

Record count sent by remote application

Record Count - Received

Record count received

Manage Configurations

This tab allows you to view and edit configurations for the BDI jobs, and it also allows the user to view, edit and create System Options.

Outbound Interface Controls

Figure 5-10 Outbound Interface Controls

outbound interface controls

This tab allows the user to manage the outbound interfaces and downloader and transmitter options for BDI jobs. The user with Admin privileges can edit the configurations.

Inbound Interface Controls

Figure 5-11 Inbound Interface Controls

Inbound Interface Controls

This tab allows the user to manage the inbound interfaces, receiver and uploader options for BDI jobs. The user with Admin privileges can edit the configurations.

System Options

Figure 5-12 System Logs

System Logs

This tab allows the user to view, edit and create system options. This page displays the list of system options of the application. The user can modify the value of the existing system options, create new system options and delete the existing system options. The user needs admin privileges for editing and creating system options. The Search option based on system options name and value is also provided on this page.

Job Admin Troubleshooting

This section describes the job admin errors and its troubleshooting.

BDI apps deployment Error


Bdi Job Admin deployment can run into this error if database credentials are invalid:

Caught: javax.management.RuntimeMBeanException: java.lang.RuntimeException: weblogic.management.provider.EditFailedException: java.lang.NullPointerException

javax.management.RuntimeMBeanException: java.lang.RuntimeException: weblogic.management.provider.EditFailedException: java.lang.NullPointerException

at weblogic.utils.StackTraceDisabled.unknownMethod()

Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: weblogic.management.provider.EditFailedException: java.lang.NullPointerException

... 1 more

Caused by: weblogic.management.provider.EditFailedException: java.lang.NullPointerException

... 1 more

Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException

... 1 more


Undo all changes in the Weblogic domain session. Redeploy app with setting up new credentials and verify deployment is successful.

BDI Job Admin runtime WSMException


Log files contain this exception:

oracle.wsm.common.sdk.WSMException: WSM-07620 : Agent cannot enforce policies due to either failure in retrieving polices or error in validations, detail= "WSM-02557 The documents required to configure the Oracle Web Services Manager runtime have not been retrieved from the Policy Manager application (wsm-pm), possibly because the application is not running or has not been deployed in the environment. The query "&(@appliesTo~="REST-CLIENT()")(policysets:global:%)" is queued for later retrieval.


Follow BDI Installation guide, and verify WSM- policy manager is configured for admin server URL.

Open weblogic domain console and Target wsm-pm app to Admin Server.

Bounce Admin server and verify wsm-pm app is in Active State.

REST Service from SOAP UI for Downloader and Transporter job


Diff_Fnd_DownloaderAndTransporterJob is successful, Job status is "completed" but data not transferred from outbound to inbound table and .csv file not created

Rest call to DownloaderAndTransporterJob is successful, Job status is "completed" but data not transferred from the outbound to inbound table and .csv file not created


  1. Verify the receiverEndpointUrl for the Table DownloaderTransmitterOptions is updated to point to where receiver app is deployed in my case ‘blr00abi.idc.oracle.com:7001' in bdi_rms_seed_data.sql.

  2. Verify the values in the Interface table DownloaderInterfaceDataControl such as begin and end sequence number matches with the values mentioned in bdi_rms_seed_data.sql.

  3. Verify the values in the interface table in DB DownloaderTransmitterOptions,the receiverEndpointUrl is updated to match with bdi_rms_seed_data.sql.

BDI Job Admin not able to find UploaderJob.xml file


BDI App B (EXT) Job Admin GUI is showing this exception:

Caused By: java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not find jobName(OrgHier_Fnd_UploaderJob) xml file. You may have renamed the job file or your job repository has more jobs than your application. To resolve the issue either delete the job repository or add the correct job xml file to the app.

Managed server log contains:

Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace

Caused By: java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not find jobName(OrgHier_Fnd_UploaderJob) xml file. You may have renamed the job file or your job reposiotry has more jobs than your application. To resolve the issue either delete the job repository or add the correct job xml file to the app.

at com.oracle.retail.bdi.batch.job.operator.JobOperatorServiceBean.allAvailableBatchJobs(JobOperatorServiceBean.java:167)

at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)

at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62)

at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)

at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498)

Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace


The process flow has changed and part or all of a flow has been removed, but batch-db has not been updated to match. Either log in to the database and delete references to the job from all tables, or recreate the batch-db using RCU and redeploy BDI.

Job Fails and Job Admin Log Files Contain No Details of the Failure


A job fails and the Job Admin log files contain no evidence of or details about the failure.


Take a look at the WebLogic Server log files to identify the root cause of the job failure. One example of this is improper data source configuration.