On-Boarding Questionnaire

This document will be used when building out your Merchandising environments and the answers to the questions are key for the configuration. There are two components to the questionnaire: required questions and optional questions.

The required questions will determine how Merchandising and Pricing will be configured initially. For example, it will specify your primary currency, language, and calendar configuration. The information in this tab is mandatory and is very difficult to change after initial provisioning, so you should carefully review and complete this section. The questionnaire has guidance for helping to answer all questions, but where assistance is required, your CSM representative can assist.

The optional questions are a number of system options which, while they can be changed within certain parameters after provisioning and prior to going live in production, there are some limitations in doing so. So, if you know the answers, it is recommended you provide this information initially. As with the required questions, guidance is provided to help in answering these questions. The default values in the questionnaire are set to the most common implementation configurations and will be used if no other information is provided. Post provisioning, you can find more information on these attributes in the Merchandising Implementation Guide.