Apply Type A, C and D Contracts to Orders Created by Replenishment (cntrprss)

Module Name



Apply Type A, C & D Contracts to Orders Created by Replenishment

Functional Area


Module Type

Business Processing

Module Technology


Catalog ID


Wrapper Script



Oracle Retail Merchandising Batch Schedule

Design Overview

This module evaluates contracts of type A, C, and D to determine whether an order should be created from the contract. Contracts are ranked so that orders are created off the best contracts first, based on lead-time, cost, contract status (such as, closed preferred over open), and contract type (such as,. type C are preferred over D). This updates the temporary orders created by the item replenishment extract (rplext) module with the contract and supplier information of the best available contract for each item and populates the repl_results table.


As the item requirements can span across different locations, the logical unit of work varies for each item requirement. For each item requirement, records are committed to the database.

Design Assumptions

  • This module should only be run if contracting is turned on in the system.