Auto Close Purchase Orders (ordautcl)

Module Name



Auto Close Purchase Orders

Functional Area

Purchase Orders

Module Type


Module Technology


Catalog ID


Wrapper Script



Oracle Retail Merchandising Batch Schedule

Design Overview

This batch program is used to process POs that need to be deleted or closed that meet certain conditions. The criteria are as mentioned below:

Category 1

  • The order is not in ‘C'ompleted status and was previously approved.

  • The number of days between the latest ship date and the current date is greater than the ‘Approved PO Close Delay' system parameter.

  • There are no open shipments for the order.

  • End of week date should not be null.

Category 2

  • The order is not in ‘C'ompleted status and was previously approved.

  • A specified amount of time (‘Approved PO Close Delay' system parameter) after the not after date of the PO has passed.

  • A specified amount of time (‘Partially Received PO Close Delay' system parameter) after the not after date has passed.

  • A specified amount of time (‘Partially Received PO Close Delay' system parameter) after the expected receipt date (or shipped date if the expected date has not been captured) has passed.

  • There are no open appointments in the system for the order.

Category 3

  • The order has a status of worksheet or submitted, and the order has never been previously approved.

  • The number of days between the current date and the order creation date is greater than the ‘Worksheet PO Clean Up Delay' system parameter.

  • The order is a manual order (not created by replenishment).

  • End of week date should not be null.

Retrieved orders are subsequently processed based on their category:

  1. Category 1 orders will be closed. Closing an order involves adjusting the order quantities, shipment quantities and OTB. Any allocation associated with the order will also be closed if it is released ‘X' number of days before vdate. The ‘X' number of days is defaulted from an external system and set on the Merchandising codes table for code_type ‘DEFT'.

  2. For Category 2 orders, orders will be closed if there are no pending receipts or if the ‘Auto Close Partially Received' system indicator is set to ‘Y'.

  3. Category 3 orders will be deleted from the system.


Restart recovery is implicit since the program purges and cancels records in the database one order at a time.

Design Assumptions