Create Book Transfers for Allocations Between Warehouses in the Same Physical Warehouse (allocbt)

Module Name



Create Book Transfers for Allocations Between Warehouses in the Same Physical Warehouse

Functional Area

Inventory Movement

Module Type

Business Processing

Module Technology


Catalog ID


Wrapper Scripts



Oracle Retail Merchandising Batch Schedule

Design Overview

In Merchandising, when an allocation is received that involves a movement of stock between two warehouses, it should be determined if the source and any of the destination warehouses belong to the same physical warehouse. If so, that portion of the allocation should be treated as a book transfer and not sent down to RWMS for processing. This batch job identifies such allocations and creates book transfers once the allocation source is received and/or the release date for the allocation is reached.

Allocations can be sourced either from a warehouse's available inventory or from an inbound receipt. These allocations are integrated into Merchandising's Allocation tables and can be identified as the following:

  1. Warehouse Sourced Allocations:

    1. Order number is NULL and doc is NULL on the allocation header table.

  2. Purchase Ordered Sourced Allocations (Cross Doc POs):

    1. Order number holds the PO number and doc type is 'PO' on the allocation header table.

    2. Linked shipments are identified through the order number value on the shipment and the allocation header tables.

  3. Transfer Sourced Allocations:

    1. Order number holds the transfer number and doc type is 'TSF' on the allocation header table.

    2. Linked shipments are identified through the distro number on the shipment/item table and the order number on the allocation header table.

  4. Allocation Sourced from an Inbound Allocation:

    1. Order number holds the allocation number and doc type is 'ALLOC' on the allocation header table.

    2. Linked shipments are identified through the distribution number on the shipment/item table and the order number on the allocation header table.

  5. ASN Sourced Allocations:

    1. Doc holds the ASN number and doc type is 'ASN' on the allocation header table.

    2. Linked shipments are identified through the ASN on the shipment table and the doc on the allocation header table.

  6. BOL Sourced Allocations:

    1. Doc holds the BOL number and doc type is 'BOL' on the allocation header table.

    2. Linked shipments are identified through the BOL number on the shipment table and the doc value on the allocation header table.

This batch job supports all above allocation scenarios and calls a core package function to create book transfers.



Design Assumptions