Determines Eligible Investment Buy Opportunities (ibexpl)

Module Name



Determines Eligible Investment Buy Opportunities

Functional Area

Investment Buy

Module Type

Business Processing

Module Technology


Catalog ID


Wrapper Script



Oracle Retail Merchandising Batch Schedule

Design Overview

The batch program pre-qualifies investment buy (IB) eligible wh/dept and IB eligible supp/dept/locs.

The warehouse/department table holds IB parameters at the warehouse or at the warehouse/department level. If there are IB parameters defined at the warehouse/department level, they are used. If there are no IB parameters defined at the warehouse/department level, the IB parameters at the warehouse level are used. If IB parameters are not defined at either level, then system level IB parameters are used. The first part of this program sends IB parameters to the warehouse/department level no matter what level they are held at in the database. The results are written to the warehouse/department explode table.

Next the warehouse/department explode table is combined with supplier inventory management data to get the final list of all eligible supplier/department/locations. The supplier inventory management data determines whether or not a given sup/dept/loc combo is IB eligible. The main problem is that this table can store information at different levels depending upon the supplier's inventory management level. Valid options for this level are:

The main problem is that this table can store information at different levels depending upon the supplier's inventory management level.

Valid options for this level are:

  • Supplier (S)

  • Supplier/department (D)

  • Supplier/location (L)

  • Supplier/department/location (A)

If the record is not found at the defined level, it needs to look up the hierarchy as shown below, up to the highest level (supplier). If no record exists as the supplier level, it is not IB eligible.

  • Supplier

  • Supplier/department -> Supplier

  • Supplier/location -> Supplier

  • Supplier/department/location -> Supplier/department ' Supplier

The second part of this program explodes the supplier inventory management data down to the supplier/department/location level by filling in the implied rows. The exploded supplier inventory management information is only done for IB eligible warehouse/department combinations from the warehouse/department explode table. The results are placed on the SIM explode table.



Design Assumptions