Process Cost Buildup Template Upload (fcosttmplprocess)

Module Name



Process Cost Buildup Template Upload

Functional Area

Franchise Management

Module Type

Business Processing

Module Technology


Catalog ID


Wrapper Script



Oracle Retail Merchandising Batch Schedule

Design Overview

This module processes franchise cost buildup templates and franchise cost relationships that were uploaded from an external source into staging tables and loads them from the staging tables into Merchandising base tables. The module is designed to process inserts, updates and deletes for these data elements.


The restart recovery is different from the conventional Merchandising batch.

During the batch process, you can evaluate the successful processing of data in the following way:

PL/SQL function will load the data from staging tables into Merchandising tables. For records that result (insert/update/delete) in constraint error or are not found in the Merchandising tables (for update/delete) are rejected and the information is updated back in the corresponding staging table with appropriate error message. Also, records that do not meet certain business validations (which can only be validated during data processing) are rejected and the information is updated back in the corresponding staging table with appropriate error message.

Action Required: When this condition exists, you can fix the data upload file and try to reload and process the data.

Design Assumptions