Purge Aged Price History Data (prchstprg)

Module Name



Purge Aged Price History Data

Functional Area

Foundation Data

Module Type


Module Technology


Catalog ID


Wrapper Script



Oracle Retail Merchandising Batch Schedule

Design Overview

This batch program deletes price history records, which are older than the price history retention days system parameter.

This program ensures that the most recent price history record for the item/location/transaction type combination is preserved and deletes all aged records.


This program will use the commit_max_ctr on the restart_control table to periodically commit SQL delete operations. Restart/Recovery is achieved by processing records that have not been deleted. The restart bookmark table stores the current partition position as the bookmark string to restart a thread.

However, in cases where the price history table is very large, a particularly large rollback segment may be specified to reduce the risk of exceeding rollback segment space. This will depend on the size of normal rollback segments and the size of the price history table.

Performance Considerations

The commit max counter field should be set to prevent excessive rollback space usage, and to reduce the overhead of file I/O. The recommended commit counter setting is 10000 records (subject to change based on experimentation). In case the price history table is very large then the number of partitions on the table may be increased and then after the number of threads for this program should be increased.

Design Assumptions