Purge Aged Stock Count (stkprg)

Module Name



Purge Stock Count

Functional Area

Stock Counts

Module Type


Module Technology


Catalog ID


Wrapper Script



Oracle Retail Merchandising Batch Schedule

Design Overview

Purge Stock Counts is a data cleanup process to remove old counts from Merchandising. This batch process deletes records from the stock count tables with a stock take date earlier than the last end of month start date or those that have been otherwise flagged for delete. This process deletes records from stock count header and all corresponding child tables.


This program is multi-threaded based on location and the logic of restart and recovery is based on cycle count and location. The deletion of stock count header and stock count product tables is performed in prepost as a post action.

This is done because stkprg is multi-threaded and each thread may have only deleted part of cycle count detail records; hence the records from stock count head and stock count product can only be deleted in the post program when all the details have been deleted.

Design Assumption