Reclassify Items in Merchandise Hierarchy (reclsdly)

Module Name



Reclassify Items in Merchandise Hierarchy

Functional Area


Module Type

Business Processing

Module Technology


Catalog ID


Wrapper Script



Oracle Retail Merchandising Batch Schedule

Design Overview

This batch program is used to reclassify items from one department/class/subclass combination to another. Reclassification events that are due to go into effect the next day are processed by this batch process. Before the reclassification is executed, validation is performed to make sure that there are no issues which would prevent the reclassification from moving forward. If not, then the updates are made to update the item's merchandise hierarchy, as well as other related updates, such as moving the value of the inventory in the stock ledger and notifying the Pricing service of the update. Any issues that prevent the item from being reclassified raise a non-fatal error in the program and write the error to the mass change rejections table.


The logical unit of work is the combination of the reclass number and item. Restart ability is also based on reclass number and item.

Design Assumptions